Visiting Mexico Pt.1

Start from the beginning

"I'm Jameson, but everyone calls me James. I'm Seth's brother basically and his second right-hand." He smiled and shook all of our hands, "You're pregnant? My fiancée is pregnant as well, only three months." Viviana smiled and held her stomach then rubbed it a bit, "I'm about six months tomorrow, we're having twin boys." The three men smiled and sounded surprised, "God bless you both and prayers and best of wishes on your upcoming family." Seth smiled and bowed a bit.

"Please follow! You all can stay with us as you're a pretty big league with us!" Seth shouted as he smiled and turned around.

**At the Santos-Black residence**

Viviana's P.O.V)

As we got to the estate it was breathtaking, the greenery and dogs running around everywhere.

"You guys have a lot of dogs! What's their names?" I asked one of the men as I ran towards the dogs and started petting them, Frankie ran with me and we heard laughing. I looked up and seen all the guys walking towards us. "That is a question for my wife, she surprised me here while I was back for some business and Mexico always has strays running around so she took them in." Seth smiled and pet one of the dogs then rough-housed with it and he started laughing. "This one is Tank though, I named him." I nodded and then me and Frankie followed the three men into the mansion. It was beautiful, there was brightly colored walls and flowers everywhere as was decor and the black marble on the floor. I leaned into Gerald and whispered, "Why can't our house be like this!" Gerald laughed and held my hand as the three led us into a spacious patio, I heard laughing and I turned my head to see a few girls sitting to my left, I could only assume they're the wives.

Jared the father whistled and caught the attention of them, and they looked at us, they smiled and rushed up and ran over to us besides one, there was a short girl walking calmly and she had beautiful long dirty blonde hair. She walked right up against Seth then leaned up against him, her movement was as swift and smooth as a cat almost. I only could assume that was Ariana.

"Hi I'm Ramona, James's fiancée. Nice to finally meet your mafia, I've read a lot about you guys!" Ramona was beautiful, her eyes were a gorgeous hazel, and her brown hair was luscious. The pregnancy glow was shining. "Hi, I'm Viviana and this is Gerald my husband! And his men Jackson, Frankie, and Leo." I smiled and introduced us. I noticed a girl was staring at Frankie and I could feel my body tingling and I smirked. "Who are you?" I asked pointing to her. She looked shocked, "you're gorgeous. How old are you? Are you single?" I asked too many questions I guess because Gerald grabbed my waist and pulled me back then rubbed the back of my neck. I made her blush, I smirked and grabbed Frankie's arm and pulled him in front of me.

"I'm Persephone, I'm a part of the Greek mafia." She smiled weakly, Gerald then piped up, "The other Greek mafia that's stationed in Greece, right?" He asked and Persephone smiled while nodding. "Yeah, we are. My dad was looking forward to meeting you! He's in Mr. Santos's office, and to answer your question ma'am yes, I am single. I'm currently looking for a companion." I seen Frankie smile as he was staring at her.

"You're so fucking gorgeous." Frankie whispered. Persephone's face turned red, and I sighed and pulled Frankie back. Gerald rolled his eyes. "I'm so sorry for the disrespect Mrs. Santos. My wife can be very energetic sometimes, it's a part of her." I immediately felt embarrassed as I totally ignored the Donna. I apologized to her then was cut off,

"It's Mrs. Black-Santos." She spoke out without a tone. We felt embarrassed and disappointed for already disrespecting her. We watched Seth lean down and whisper something in her ear then her whole body and attitude changed. She smiled and began to shake all of our hands,

"Ariana Black-Santos, Donna of the Black Hearts and Black Skulls. Pleasure to meet you all and welcome to our home and to Mexico. Congratulations on your pregnancy and prayers for a healthy pregnancy and marriage. Now if you excuse me." Ariana spoke then walked away and went inside. The ladies followed her as did her father. I shook my head and sighed,

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