2. His Side

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Chapter 2.

            I saw her the first day of school in 9th grade. She was breathtaking even then, making sure that even though she was a freshman, she still had an impact at school.

Now it’s two years and 4 days after that day. I’ve been with other girls, nothing to graphic as my love was set on her.  

            I had to do this. She knows that I like her. Why not ask her out? Nothing to lose.

            “Hey,” Damn, I should have said something more interesting.

            “Hey Jack, what’s up?” Her golden curls bounced as she turned to look at me. She then looked back towards her locker, pondering something. God, she looked beautiful.

            “Nothing.” I stood there awkwardly then realized I should still be talking. “I saw you at Tony’s party.”

            She seemed to freeze up, and then said “Oh…I didn’t see you. You should have come over and said hi.”

            “I know but you were just bouncing around talking to everyone, I didn’t really get a chance. So how was your summer?” This was the first time I actually talked to her since last year. I almost did go up to Jules during the party though. She was sitting at the bar alone, but then I got pulled into the crowd of dancers by a drunk Marc

            I’m not a drinker. I had a great time without being drunk out of my mind at the party. I like to feel in control, which I start to lose after the 4th shot. So, at most, I’d take 3 so people won’t pester me.

            “Mine was good, and next time come over,” she smiled, and walked away to sit next to Tony in the hall.

            I missed it again. The world must be against me. But I am not giving up. I don’t care that she was a really cool friend who’s a boy. I’m not threatened.

            “I can do this” I mumbled over and over again, wasting time waiting for the bell. My English teacher puzzled at me, but he was the only one who noticed my self-talking.

            Finally the bell rang; I practically sprinted to the gym, waiting like a dog to enter the locked locker rooms. The place was pretty gross, nothing like my old school’s locker rooms.

            I transferred here from a catholic school. There was only 60 kids in my grade, less than half girls. Needless to say, I don’t have much experience. And I kind of get nervous when I talk to them. That’s why I plan out what to say beforehand.

            I walk out of the locker rooms with confidence. I know exactly how to handle this. First talk about the math homework, and then the English summer reading quiz, then ask what she’s doing this weekend. Easy.

            When I spotted her, she was with Tony, Camille, and Dustin. They were a part of her “group”. The kids that she’s with every second of every hour. They were all pretty cool kids, besides Tony. There was something about him. Maybe it was how close he was with Jules, but something wasn’t right.

            “Hey Jules, how’d you think you did on the math homework?” I stuttered while saying this. But I honestly couldn’t help it. She was just…breathtaking.

            “Uh I think I did pretty good, how about you?” She turned away from them. Score! I might be able to skip the English quiz step.

            “Oh man…” think what to say “I thought it was okay. I got a little confused on question…”

            “Jules, you remember that right?” Tony called and got her attention, obviously conflicting to her about whom to listen to. When he said it, he was glaring at me.

            “…but when I read my notes, I think I got it.” I did not stop talking.

            “Good. Alright I gotta…” and she pointed back towards Tony and all them. “Catch ya later.” And she left.

            “So you missed her again, huh?” Marc came over and put his hand on my shoulder as I watched her walk away. “You’ll get her buddy.”

            “Did you see that?” I was still taken back by Tony’s glare. Marc looked confused, and I explained.

            “I’m sure he didn’t mean it, besides that you were trying to pick up his best friend. Maybe he’s protective of her.”

            “Doubt it.”

            Now I’d have to wait until English to get to her.


            Okay, last class of the day. I sit right in back of her. She can’t escape. And Mr. Adams wasn’t feeling too good today, something about hearing things, so he stopped his lesson with 15 minutes left. I went for the kill then.

            I was in the last row, with Jules to the front and right of me. Usually I wasn’t the only one back there, but the other kids were out at peer pals meeting. The seat was perfect, besides the fact, how ironic, that Tony sits right next to her. Wonderful, I know. Then in front of them is Auden, who was turned around talking to Tony.

            I built up my guts, and started to say her name when I saw it. Everything started to move in slow motion. Auden had turned back around, rummaging through her folders, when Tony looked over at Jules. She turned to look at him also, fighting a grin. He held out his hand between the desks. It wasn’t noticeable. But I could see it.

            I saw her look, and think it over. Please don’t. His bear paw of a hand was still waiting. And she took it. His hand wrap completely around hers, covering it red nails and all. My heart dropped, realizing that my chances were slim to none with Tony in the way. With two minutes left of class, rage took over.

            “Hey Jules!” her hand shot up out of his. A few students looked over at the source of noise. I’m guessing she forgot about my seat behind them. “I just wanted to know if you can help me with the math problem.”

            Her face was all red from embarrassment, and she was all shaken up. I started to feel bad when she gave me the response of “we only have a minute left.”

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