Story Idea #1: What if Thor meets Richard and Mary Parker?

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A/N: This oneshot takes place in an alternate version of Marvel Comics Earth-616. This is about the idea of Thor, Son of Odin and the Elder Goddess of Earth (as told in one of my stories), meeting Peter Parkers' parents, Richard and Mary Parker.

A/N: They're not gonna be full-fledged stories, just oneshot concepts.

A/N: If you want to do your own story based on one of these ideas, and do your own interpretation, then simply ask me for permission.

A/N: Not all oneshots will have the same style. Some of them will have the more famous writing style that I and some others are known for doing.

A/N: Hope you enjoy this one!

Richard and Mary Parker were on a ferry heading to Staten Island, where they had a rendezvous with a S.H.I.E.L.D. contact. They were undercover agents for the C.I.A., working on a mission to infiltrate a Hydra cell that was planning to unleash a bioweapon in New York City. They had their infant son, Peter, with them, posing as a normal family on vacation.

As they were enjoying the view of the Statue of Liberty, they noticed a sudden commotion on the other side of the ferry. People were screaming and pointing at something in the sky. Richard and Mary exchanged a worried look and moved closer to see what was going on.

They saw a man flying in the air, holding a large hammer that crackled with lightning. He had long blond hair, a red cape, and a winged helmet. He looked like he had stepped out of a Norse mythology book. He was Thor, the god of thunder and an Avenger.

Thor was chasing after a group of flying robots that were shooting lasers at him. They were sent by Loki, his adoptive brother and archenemy, who wanted to cause chaos and mischief in the city. Thor swung his hammer, Mjolnir, and hurled it at one of the robots, smashing it to pieces. He then summoned it back to his hand and flew after another one.

Richard and Mary watched in awe and admiration as Thor fought the robots. They recognized him as one of Earth's mightiest heroes and respected his courage and power. They also wondered what Loki was up to and if he had anything to do with their mission.

Suddenly, one of the robots broke away from Thor and headed towards the ferry. It aimed its laser at the engine, intending to blow it up and sink the ship. Thor saw this and shouted a warning.

"Look out! The metal fiend is going to destroy the vessel! I must stop it!"

He flew faster towards the robot, but he was too far away to reach it in time. The robot fired its laser at the engine, creating a huge explosion that rocked the ferry.

Richard and Mary felt the blast and grabbed Peter, who was crying in fear. They looked for a way to escape, but they saw that the ferry was already sinking fast. They were trapped.

Thor saw the ferry sinking and felt a surge of anger and guilt. He had failed to protect the innocent people on board. He cursed Loki for his evil schemes and vowed to make him pay.

He flew towards the ferry, hoping to save as many lives as he could. He saw Richard and Mary holding Peter, who was still crying. They looked at him with desperation and hope.

"Please, help us!" Mary shouted.

Thor heard her plea and flew towards them. He reached out his hand and grabbed them by their arms.

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