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Although it is unlikely that he will be isolated, Zhai Chi is a newcomer after all, and no matter how popular he is in the tenth class, it is not as good as Xu Shi who has been in business for more than a year. It is inevitable to hear some bad words.

So knowing that Zhai Chi is talking nonsense with Yu San, Yu Jiu couldn't help staring at him for a while.

Zhai Chi turned his head after talking, and met Yu Jiu's complicated eyes.

This time Yu Jiu didn't look away in a hurry, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak in the end.

Zhai Chi smiled, and said bluntly, "Is the injury better?"

Yu Jiu was taken aback, then nodded, "It's done."

"That's good."


A short two-sentence dialogue seemed to overwhelm a lot of what I wanted to say.

The second quarter's evening self-study came very quickly, and the self-consciousness of a class of students made it impossible to hear anything in the classroom except the sound of flipping books and the sound of pens rubbing against the paper.

The monthly exam has just ended, and the students are busy reviewing the questions they did wrong. Only a few of them are still immersed in the exploration of new students, occasionally looking up to the front row.

While the students in the first class still have scruples to explore, the students in other classes have already achieved cross-classroom communication.

On the forum, the study and exchange section has simultaneously announced the ranking of all the grades of the school's senior one to senior three exams, among which the transfer students' grades have attracted much attention.

Yu Jiu, as always, topped the list with a total score of 725 points.

The second place is Zhai Chi from Class 20 of Senior High School with a total score of 724 points.

Only one point difference.

[724? not true? Is this result a mistake? 】

[Although I also think that transfer students must have good grades, it is a bit outrageous to be able to score such a high score. 】

[The words from the upstairs are delicious. He came back from abroad, so he has a great advantage in English. Why can't he get such a high score? 】

[If I'm not mistaken, go to the classroom of Class Ten and you'll know? Everyone's seats have been moved to the first class to report. 】

[Ouch, I knew that there would be a lot of sour chickens jumping around as soon as the results came out, so why are you beating around the bush? It's just jealousy! Are you better than the school than the head teachers of each class? 】

The voice of questioning was silenced after some yin and yang.

But Zhai Chi's monthly exam results involved more than just a dispute over scores.

The dispute between the two major schools has not yet reached a conclusion, and the matter of grades has given them a new topic of debate.

Party A: [It's only one point, isn't that a coincidence? It seems that Zhai Chi is really a big threat to Yu Jiu! 】

Party B: [One point difference is bad, the transfer student is pretty good, so isn't Yu Jiu the first and he the second? 】

Party A: [This time is the second time, but it may not be the next time. I was in the same examination room as Zhai Chi. I saw that he only took half the time to finish the test paper, and he didn't give it his all. 】

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