Chapter 109. Yasenia's naïvity and... especial training?

Start from the beginning

Yasenia became thoughtful. Tatyana looked at her, stepped forward, hooked her arms around her neck, and kissed her lips softly. Then, she said, "Follow your heart, little treasure. Walk forwards the path you choose and instead of treading it with insecure steps, walk with steady steps, it doesn't matter if they are slow, but your steps must be firm."

Yasenia closed her eyes and murmured, "Walk with steady steps; It doesn't matter if they are slow... Think before each step; however, do it with conviction when you act."

Yasenia opened her eyes and looked at her mother's red eyes. Then she closed the distance to kiss her. Yasenia hugged her by the waist, and Tatyana relished in the kiss, "Thanks, mom. I know what to do."

Tatyana dispelled the formation, and they both returned. Tatyana started speaking about today's training. After putting all of them but Kali and Yasenia to work, she turned towards Kali and asked, "Both of you will spar at the end of the day. Yasenia, don't go all out."

Then, Tatyana made Kali work with her plant summons and gave tips to increase the coordination when commanding them. She also made Kali train together with her [Crown Flower]. "Kali, this summon is a mutation of the original skill. Treat her as if she was a learning companion, and every time you train, call her and train with her. I think you will be surprised." Kali nodded seriously and looked at the three-meter-tall green woman.

While training, the day passed fast.

Angel managed to create an instant formation that created a simple shield in front of her; it was called [Glass shield formation]. It was ideal for making time for her big formations. However, even when the effect was simple, creating it was actually quite hard. If it weren't for Tatyana's insights, she wouldn't have known where to start.

Cecile managed to change her [Ice arrow] to [Moon arrow]. Not only were they more destructive, but the wind attribute could also blend better with it. Moreover, she started to see insights into how to combine the space attribute with them. She also managed to create a single skill, which made Tatyana smirk. 'Her learning speed also exploded. I may have to speak with the Ice Phoenixes...'

On the other side, Andrea managed to create a similar charge to Yasenia's named [Solar charge]. With it, Andrea would charge forwards with her halberd behind, charging speed and momentum. Then, when Andrea wills it, she will abruptly stop and transfer her momentum, making a wide horizontal attack and sending a scorching wave of energy in front of her.

Evelyn didn't have any obvious improvement, but her attacks became heavier. This was because now, instead of using only her upper body, she also used her waist while she was attacking with her spear. Before today, even if Evelyn knew the theory, she had problems using her waist if she wasn't making a throwing attack. However, Tatyana beat it into her... Literally. Evelyn was on the floor, filled with bruises and breathing heavily.

Besides commanding, Tatyana taught Kali how to speed up her summons. Since Tatyana was also a summoner, she gave combat advice on how she should defend and also told her how to use weaker summons to gain enough time to summon the stronger ones. It was simple advice, but that made her combat style have a qualitative leap. Sometimes, obvious things are hard to see until someone tells them to you directly.

Yasenia, on the other side, was just beaten up by Tatyana. Since Yasenia had her basics smashed into her since she was little, Tatyana just made her fight and fight and fight against her. While fighting, because Tatyana didn't pull any punches, Yasenia could be seen flying around or coughing up blood from time to time. However, to Yasenia, this was a thrilling experience. She loved fighting against powerful cultivators in a strength contest.

But this time, she was getting excited for another reason. While they were fighting, Tatyana would even make her dress unkempt! Yasenia tried to rearrange her battle dress, but Tatyana would send her flying again when she was distracted. In the end, Yasenia just gave up and fought half-naked.

Although the others have seen her one too many times, this didn't make it less alluring.

Seeing Yasenia fight half-naked, with her big breasts in the air for the world to see, was very stimulating. Not to mention Angel and the others, Kali was blushing to her ears. Thankfully she had her veil hiding her face, or her expression would have been very obvious.

However, our perceptive dragoness could feel all of them looking at her. Being looked at while receiving such a shameful beating made her cheeks redden. Moreover, Tatyana's sadistic smile wasn't helping with the heat that was spreading through her loins.

You may think that Tatyana was a pervert... Which she was, but! Tatyana was doing this for one reason, well... Mainly for one reason. She wanted to kill Yasenia's shame while fighting naked.

There are a lot of different cultivators, and dual cultivators have very uncommon techniques. Tatyana wanted to prepare Yasenia for these encounters... Also, looking at Yasenia's bouncing softness while she fought was a sight to behold. Tatyana was even using her spiritual sense around her to follow her movements detailedly! Which movements was she observing? Only she knew.

Yasenia knew that this "Training" must have a reason, but was it really necessary to pinch her nipples!? After some time being assaulted, she couldn't hold back her moan, "Aahn~."

There were five simultaneous sounds of a person falling to the ground in the background. Then, Tatyana's kick sank into Yasenia's stomach *Bang!* And sent Yasenia flying. However, the dragoness's body was resilient, and a mix of pleasure and pain was assaulting her senses.

Yasenia stood up, breathing heavily, and her cheeks were red. She put strength in her legs and shot forwards with her dress only covering her lower body.

Tatyana looked at Yasenia's eyes and saw that the red had turned pink. She knew that Yasenia was coming, not to fight, but to "fight".

Tatyana chuckled while thinking, 'Did I push her buttons too much? fufufu~'

Tatyana let herself be tackled by Yasenia, and she transported both to another "Fighting" room.

Andrea woke up from her stupor and laughed, "Well, it seems that they will be away for half an hour at least."

Then, she ordered, "Focus, Yasenia is already a lot stronger than all of you, and she has even caught up to me in strength. We have to train harder not to be left behind!"

Angel's, Cecile's, and Evelyn's aura swelled, and they answered with determination,




Even if they had to grind their bones to dust, they wouldn't be left behind! This was their bottom line!

Kali was impressed at their aura, 'Even if all four of them are considered genius class, they train themselves as if they were untalented cultivators. Is Yasenia that overwhelming?'

Kali knew that Yasenia was strong, be it when they teamed up or when she saw her fighting against the Undead Summoner. Yasenia showed strength well above her level. But, in Kali's opinion, Andrea was stronger than Yasenia.

What she didn't know is that Yasenia still hasn't used her trump card, [Day and Night]. Andrea and the rest are sure that if the tournament is one fight per day, Yasenia will end up first without a doubt.

When Yasenia was still at the eighth level of the body modification realm, she showed strength at the level of a high-level Mental nourishing realm, closely approaching the half-step level. Now... They were sure that she would show tyrannical strength if she unleashed her ultimate skill.

Tatyana and Yasenia returned 45 minutes later. Kali saw for the first time Yasenia acting completely spoiled. She didn't have an ounce of her normally dominant character. When she saw Yasenia clinging to Tatyana and carefully licking her while growling lovingly, Kali almost had a nose bleed. 'Kyaa! She is so fluffy and cute!'

Some more hours passed, and the day ended; Tatyana and Yasenia approached Kali. Tatyana spoke, "Kali, you will spar thrice against Yasenia. Yasenia, hold back a little... Don't use your movement technique."

Yasenia nodded. Tatyana looked at Kali and said, looking at her eyes, "Don't hold back; go for the kill."

Kali swallowed nervously but nodded nonetheless. They positioned themselves 500m apart. Kali took out her longsword, and Yasenia took out her [Draconic Heart].

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