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Second to the last chapter my chickens!!

Taylor pov.

Today is the day. I can't believe today is the day of my pop-up show. I finished the setlist last week and I decided to keep it like the eras tour, mixing in a little bit of everything. The sun was up but not enough to peek over the skyline yet. Lana was sleeping next to me wrapped up in the sheets. His hair was splayed across her pillow and she had soft snores. I reached for my phone and pulled up my text messages.

To Selena

Taylor: hey I know it's early, just seeing if you're busy today.

I hit send. Minutes later her text comes in

Selena: I'm awake, what's up?

Taylor: having a pop-up show in Glendale, wanted to invite you.

Selena: I'll try to make it but I'm not sure!!

Taylor: no worries just thinking of you

I put my phone back into the nightstand and Lana shifted in her sleep, she rolled over and pressed her face into my side, and slung an arm over my waste. She breathed in a deep sigh in her sleep. I smiled at her. What did I ever do to be this lucky? Glancing back at the clock I noticed it was time to get up. Leaning down I began peppering Lana with kisses.

"Mmmmm" Lana groaned out turning away from me

"Lana we gotta get up" I whispered

"Mmm no more minutes" Lana huffed

"Babe we gotta catch a flight," I said nudging her

"Mmmm no I'm warm," she says and smacks me.

"Your for sure not a morning person" I huff out.

Getting out of bed I walk up to the curtains and draw them open. Lana groans in annoyance and hides her head under the pillow.

"We're leaving in two hours, " I say and walk out of the room.

Sometimes Lana's hate for the morning makes me sad. The morning is my favorite part of the day and we are opposites. She loves to sleep in and stay up late whereas I love to go to bed early and wake up early. I make my way down to the kitchen to pack Lana and me a small carry-on full of goodies. The jet has snacks but I noticed Lana was super picky and wanted healthier options. I added some fruit, veggies, and a few unhealthy snacks. I think of the time Lana tried planting a garden in the backyard.

I could hear Lana huffing around the back yard and I went to go see what she was doing. Glancing through the window I saw her fighting with a bag of soil. Opening the door and walking out she stopped to look up at me.

"What ya up to," I ask eying her dirty hands

"I want a garden," Lana said with a pout

I looked around to see that she just had mounds of dirt placed randomly.

"So do you have an idea what you are doing" I cautiously asked

Lana shook her head.

"Want help?" I asked

"Please," Lana said

For the rest of the afternoon, Lana is I got wood and made rectangular containers to contain the potting soil. She was so happy at the end that she planted her seeds and sat down next to them.

"You coming inside to clean up?" I asked

"No way, I'm waiting for my fruit," Lana said glancing at her dirt

"Lana you know that it's going to take a few months right?" I asked her

She whipped her head in my direction and looked confused

"MONTHS?!" She explained

I nodded my head.

"Screw that, I'll go to the store to buy some" Lana stuffed up huffing, and went inside to clean up.

I laughed at her and followed her inside to clean up as well.

Lana coming downstairs shakes me from my thoughts.

"Morning beautiful, " I say

Lana rounds the corner rubbing her eyes and she walks up to me setting her head on my chest. She is still tired, she will probably pass out on the plane.

"I wanna sleep" Lana groaned

I scooped her up and walked into the living room, setting her on the couch I covered her up with a blanket.

"Sleep, I'll wake you up when we need to leave," I said

Lana didn't argue and closed her eyes with a smile. Hopefully, this would help her be less grumpy on the plane.  Walking back into the kitchen I place ice packs with the food and set it by the door with our one suitcase. After that, I made my way back upstairs to get ready. I didn't have to get fully ready, just enough to be presentable. I left my hair curly just for Lana. I used minimal makeup as I was going to wear a ton later tonight. Glancing down at my watch I notice we need to leave in ten minutes. I pull out my phone a call Eric.

"Good morning Taylor, are you ready to leave," Eric says

"Morning Eric. Yes we are ready to go" I say

"Perfect see you soon," he says and I hang up

Making my way back downstairs I walk into the living room to wake Lana up. I gently shake her until she groans

"Time to go, babe," I say

Lana doesn't fight me this time and finds her way to the SUV. I help Eric load things up and he drives us to the airport. Lana is still half sleep on me.

"Eric can you stop at Starbucks please," I ask him

"Yes," he says and changes lanes

I open my mobile app and put in a strawberry refresher for Lana and a caramel nonfat late for me.

"Eric what would you like," I ask him

"I'm okay, thank you though," she says

I add a black coffee for him anyway knowing he will drink it.

Lana shifts around but stays asleep. It's slightly worrisome that she's always tired. Part of me wants her to go get seen to make sure she's okay but I don't wanna push her. She hates the doctors. Eric pulled up through the drive though and got the drinks. He handed me mine and set Lana's in the cup holder.

"That last one is for you," I say

Eric smiles and thanks me.

"You know me, Eric, I was thinking, " I say looking out the window.

He glanced at me through the mirror waiting for me to continue.

"You need a raise, " I say taking a sip of my latte

"I appreciate the thought Mam but I'm okay," Eric says

"No I mean it, your getting a raise," I say making it final

"Thank you Ms swift," he says with a smile on his face

We make our way to the airport and this time I don't have to go through security, probably considering it will create a flash mob. Eric gets out of the car and instructs the flight attendants where to put our luggage.

"Lana babe, wake up" I slightly nudge her

She groans and opens her eyes. She instantly sees her drink and grabs it taking a few sips.

"Mmm thank you," Lana says and sits up

I get out of that car and Lana follows behind me we board the plane and take our seats. Tonight is going to be wild. I know the fans are going to freak out at my surprise announcement. Not even Lana knows what I'm going to announce. My nerves get the best of me combined with the coffee my hands start to sweat. I can do this. I think to myself.

Can I?

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