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Comment your favorite top three Taylor swift songs!!!👉👉👉
Mine change so often but at the moment they are dress, invisible sting and karma!!

Taylor pov

I got off the phone with Lana and immediately called Selena.

"Selena please tell me you are in New York " I speak into the phone.

It was almost two in the morning after I was able to console Lana and calm her down before being able to hang up. My heart hurt just hearing her cry.

"Yeah Taylor is everything okay," Selena asks me

"I need a favor " I beg her


Not too soon later I was on Selena's private jet on the way to Arizona. Typically I would have taken mine but it would have taken twice as long trying to get my plane back to New York and then to Arizona. Selena was such a good friend that she didn't mind, she set up the plane right away and before I knew it I was on my way to the airport. I didn't have much time to pack up anything.

I was wearing sweats and Lana's 'Bea Miller' hoodie. It smelled faintly of her, probably because I've been wearing it while she's been gone. I pulled out my phone and sent my management an email

Sometimes I miss Tree, she has been with me through so much, from my sexual assault trial to my re-recordings, but I remember how she treated me in private, the way I felt like just another one of her cases.

I wrote what I needed and hit send. I asked them to cancel being a guest surprise on the tour this weekend and the talk show, they will get over it. I scrolled through Twitter a little to pass some time, my feed consisted of cats and clips from the eras tour, one comes up where I slowed a bug on stage.

I shivered slightly at the thought, it was disgusting. The fans thought it was hilarious. An email comes back just saying that they will work on it and they also attached a file

I clicked the file open and a video popped up. I was confused about what I was looking at, at first but as the people moved around it was a paparazzi video and they were circling this woman. The woman was hunched over and I could see her breathing fast. The bracelet on her wrist caught my eye and within that second I realized it was Lana that I was looking at. That's the bracelet she stole from my bathroom when she first moved in.

My breath hitched in my throat and I sat up in my seat. A man approached Lana and set his hand on her shoulder, almost as if he was trying to console her. The second Lana looked up everyone started taking pictures and flashes went off. Then she ran. The video cut off from there and I sat there in silence.

What the actual fuck is going on I thought to myself.

I opened my mail and sent management another email.

"Take care of this now, I want this off the internet, " I wrote

Understanding why Lana was so upset over the phone. Her mom passed and then she had to deal with the paparazzi and then go home to a house she was not fond of. Lana never went into detail with me about her childhood, this trip might explain that. Becoming more impatient by the minute I walked to the back of the plane and asked how much longer till we were there.

"About 3 hours Mam" I was told

I sighed and made my way back to my seat, okay three hours, you can do this. But my mind kept wandering back to Lana. I'm praying that she is okay right now and not having a total mental breakdown, at least not yet.

The flight came to an end and I found myself in front of lanas childhood house. The house itself was super dingy, the paint was old and cracked and the weeds were overgrown. I got out of the car and made my way to the front door.

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