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Lana pov

It's the week of Thanksgiving and Taylor was currently at the studio finishing a few songs up before we flew out to the cabin tonight. So I stayed home, cleaning up the house and getting our suitcase packed for the week that we will be spending there.

I'm not even going to lie. I'm so fucking nervous to meet the rest of her family. Let alone see Austin again. He was a prick the last time I met him.  I just want everything to go perfectly. Taylor and I need this to go well. I'm worried if not then it might hurt our relationship. It's funny to think almost a year ago I hated her and now I couldn't imagine my life without her.

I went into our closet and looked for our suitcases. I might just bring one considering it's a week and we're in the same room. I looked up and noticed there was one suitcase on the top shelf. Reaching for it and not able to grab it, so I stand on my tippy toes and I'm able to barely grasp the Handel. Not being able to see what's on top of it I pull it down only for a box to come flying down with it hitting me in the lip.

"What the fuck" I groan out

What's with things hitting me in my face my entire life? I feel a stinging on my lips and I reach up to touch it and the stinging gets worse.

Pulling my hand back I notice some blood on my finger then the metallic tang in my mouth. Groaning I get up and make my way down to the kitchen to clean my lip and ice it. If I don't ice it now it will probably swell up and bruise. That's going to be the next thing on the tabloids.

"Taylor Swift hits her girlfriend in the face"

I roll my eyes and chuck the ice into the sink. I should be fine now. I head back to the crook and pull the suitcase out of the closet and open it on the bed. I start packing Taylor's clothes then mine. Just some simple outfits, a swimming suit, pjs. the usual. I throw in a pair of extra shoes for us and close the bag. Bringing the suitcase downstairs I drag it into the garage.

Shit I forgot Taylor took the car. I push the suitcase up on the wall and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a black figure.

Glancing over my eyes slightly widen and I notice Gracie. She is dressed in all back with a hoodie on.

"Lana" gracie says

"Oh my gosh Gracie you scared me " I laugh out

But Gracie doesn't laugh back. I glance down and notice she has a bat in her hand. Suddenly I'm frozen and she looks at me with an evil look in her eyes.

"Lana Lana Lana, you know you have been 'naughty' " she mocks

My eyes widen in horror. There's no way she knows what I've told Taylor.

"Yeah that's right I know..... but does Taylor know about your little secret " Gracie taunts taking a step closer.

I glance back at the door to see it ajar.

"Ahh ahh" Gracie risks

"What do you want," I ask her

Gracie pulls out a knife from her pocket

"You took what I wanted," Gracie says

"What did I take from you" I hash back

"Taylor" Gracie yells

"You can't have a person, Gracie, " I say calmly

"You have her" Gracie yells

"Not the way you're talking about, " I say taking a step back

"Don't move" Gracie yells

I stop and hold my hands up showing her that I'm no harm.

"How did you get in here," I ask

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