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Lana pov

I am so annoyed.

So annoyed with life getting in the way of my relationship with Taylor, we can't have one good night without someone or something coming to fuck it up.

Am just making her life harder?

In this case, it's my biological mother. I don't consider her my mom after all the shit she put me through. Honestly, I should have been taken away and put into the foster care system rather then stayed with her.

So here I am, on Taylor's private jet on my way to Arizona to send my mom off to hell. After everything she did, I could care less what happens to her. A memory of my first day of fifth grade interrupts my thinking.

I was 10 years old, and it was the first day of fifth grade. I was so excited the last few weeks to FINALLY get away from my mom and get to eat hot food. I woke up when the sun came up so I had time to do my chores and get to school on time.
My mother refused to buy me any new school items such as clothes or a backpack so I decided to use the one from my previous years. It was held together by strings. Walking down the hall I don't even try to be quiet, it's way too early for my mom to be awake and if she was she would be hungover.
I walked to the living room and stopped in my tracks. My mom was sitting on the couch watching tv, with a beer in her hand. Fuck I thought. This woman hasn't gone to bed. I don't even know how she is sitting straight.

"Morning Mom," I said to her

She didn't bother to turn her head and look at me.

"Chooress" she's slurred

"Yes mam," I said and turned into the kitchen.

There was broken glass in the sink. I dragged the trash can over to it and carefully picked up the broken pieces and threw them into the garbage. Once I finished that I swept to make sure there were no shards on the floor.

That was all I needed to step on.

After cleaning up that mess I started my routine. It was sad to think that it will be destroyed while I was at school and I'd have to come home to clean it.
I started in the kitchen, re-sweeping, mopping. Wiping down the walls and cabinets. Then I moved to the fridge, taking out the garbage she threw in there and putting it in the trash. Making my way over to the back door I stepped outside into the cool morning air. I stepped down the three steps and walked through the dirt to the side of the house that had an old rotting metal cover over it.

I walked up to the washing machine and took the wet clothes out and began hanging them up on the line. My mom needed clothes for her "work" as in selling her body while I'm at school to random men. Classy. I next move onto the living room, I'm careful how I enter the room as it can set her off. I quietly start cleaning up and notice a lot of beer cans, how is she even awake I wonder.

"Get me a beer" my mom slurs out

"Uh but-" I'm cut off by my mom screaming at me and growing a glass beer bottle at me.

The glass breaks on my skin and leaves a small cut on my head. She's an idiot I think and grab her a beer and return to cleaning. I make her breakfast and pull her clothes off the line, folding them for her. Then I get ready and start my long walk to school.

"Ms swift we're about to land please buckle up," a man says pulling me out of my thoughts

The 'swift' caught me off guard

"Oh I- " but before I can finish he walks off.

The plane lands and I'm greeted by Eric.

"Are you supposed to be with Taylor," I asked walking up to him.

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