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Don't hate me, some events are out of order. Won't make sense in the real world but we're in mine rn 🤪

Taylor's pov

The past few months have been wild, and that's an understatement. The fans have eaten Lana up and they believe our story. Even I do at times. I hate thinking about it because I get sick just thinking about it.

When me and Lana walked out of the restaurant that was it, it was posted everywhere about our relationship and coming out as gay. I couldn't have been happier. I don't feel like I'm lying to my fans, well besides Lana, I've been in the studio recording music, and my life couldn't be any happier. Except for Lana.

She does her job and then wants nothing to do with me. I love the time we get to share in the public eye because it feels genuine but we come back to ground one when we're in private. The contract is up in a month unless Lana is willing to renew, which I'm not crossing my fingers at this point.

She has attended award ceremonies with me, numerous concerts, and a few team meetings. I occasionally hear her on the phone with Gracie late at night. She doesn't have conversations with me either. I don't know what I expected. I guess I can't blame her for everything that has happened. She needs the money probably and I needed an out from my management.

    There's this party that I have to attend with Lana. My management wants us to make another appearance at this party before releasing 'speak now' Taylor's version. I have been in the studio the last few months finishing up re-recordings of my music and I couldn't be happier.

I'm FINALLY getting all my music back and it warms my heart. Currently, Lana is getting ready here at my apartment in New York, she's been spending the nights here just to make it easier. I made up the guest room and she mostly spends her time working on school Or trying to explore the city.

She's never been to New York before so I make sure security goes with her at a reasonable distance. She sometimes gets noticed when she's not with me but it's become more often.  I can hear her getting ready across the hallway, she's blasting some music about a 'whore in the house' but I honestly have no idea who she's listening to.

I decide to go for a casual glam look since this is all at Selena's pad. There will most likely be fans but no more than maybe 500 people. I'm hoping. I decide to wear a long blue silk dress with some boots. If tree was here she would kill me. I apply a thin layer of makeup and leave my hair natural. There shouldn't be too many photos taken tonight but I still gotta look put together.

    I make my way downstairs and I turn into the living room to see Lana sitting on the couch. She is wearing a short black mini-dress with black wedges, nothing over two inches. I glance up at her hair and see that she curled her chestnut locks and let them hang loose down her back.

  "Hey, you ready" I hesitantly ask she glanced up at me and looks me up and down.

"Sure" Lana stands up and makes her way to me

We make our way to Selena's party and I try to run Lana through the people she may not know and to steer clear of any exes.

"So all men" she snorts out

Glancing over at her I roll my eyes, slightly offended by the comment.

"Just wait. You'll be added to that comment too" I say

"Just give the fans some time to pick you apart like they do all my significant others until they leave," I say looking out the window

I feel and hand on mine and I look over at Lana.

"Hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," she says

Honestly, I'm more so shocked that she's willingly touching me in private. She never wanted anything to do with me nor let alone touch me.

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