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I can't believe we have 30 chapters already. Time has flown by, aka me posting 10 chapters in a week😊


Lana pov

Taylor and I made our way downstairs after cleaning up from the lake, let's not talk about that. My skin started to slightly itch but I thought nothing of it. We walked into the living room and were met with a shit ton of more people. No wonder there are campers outside. There was no way we were all going to fit inside this cabin. Maybe if we made beds in the kitchen and living room. Taylor jumped onto Introducing me to people and I started getting overwhelmed until we came to one person.

"Lana this is Austin you have met him before," Taylor said

"Yeah I remember you" I blurted out

"Look Lana I want to apologize for how I acted when we met, I just went through a shitty Break up and couldn't stand to see my sister happy" Austin said

"No worries," I said not wanting to cause issues

"I'm good now, I have a new arm candy," Austin said pointing over to a woman talking to another group of people.

I just nodded and looked at Taylor. We busted out laughing at Austin right in front of him. He got fed up and walked away which caused us to laugh harder.

"Stop I can't breathe," I said in between laughs

Taylor continued to introduce me to a few more people before deciding that was enough and we went into the kitchen to help Andrea set the table. They opted to have dinner outside this year Taylor told me because the dining room was not big enough so they invested in a canopy tent so the bugs were harder to get into the food. Taylor and I were outside placing plates and utensils on the table for everyone.

"Will you sit with me?" I ask Taylor

"It would be my honor" Taylor bows to me.

"Do y'all dress up for Thanksgiving?" I ask

"Yes, not too fancy but a nice dress or a blouse," Taylor said

I started worrying slightly knowing that we didn't have anything nice to wear. Taylor must have sensed my worry because she spoke up.

"Eric went into town to pick up some dresses I got for us," Taylor said

"Oh thank goodness " I sighed and went back to placing the plates on the table.

"Babe do you think I'd let you go in sweatpants when I know you'll freak out seeing everyone dressed up" Taylor laughed

"I guess not" I hummed

We continued setting more things on the table and my shoulders were starting to sting when I moved to wide. It came to a point where I reached across the table and stretched the wrong way causing a blistering pain across my back.

"What the fuck" I mumble and try looking in my shirt.

"What's wrong over there" Taylor smirked

Looking into my shirt I noticed a sunburn appearing and it went all the way to my back. I covered back up and ignored Taylor knowing what she was going to say. It's not the first time she's proved me wrong. The pain started to become annoying and my last straw was when Taylor bumped my shoulder causing a searing pain.

"Ouch" I yelled out

Taylor didn't even ask as she lifted the back of my shirt to show my red back. I yanked my shirt out of her grip and gave her a nasty side-eye. That's all I wanted to hear from her right now is" I told you so" but she didn't say a word about the redness.

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