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Taylor's pov

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket finding my mom's number. I start pacing the dressing room with the phone pulled up to my ear.

The girl is bleeding still so I rush over to the sink grab a few paper towns and press down on the wound on her forehead.

I can't believe this is happening.

"Hello? Taylor what's going on, shouldn't you be backstage, " my mom says as she FINALLY picks up.

"Mom I need your help" I choke out

" what is it" she sounds on Edje

" I need you to get one medic and come to my dressing room right now" I speak into the phone.

Glancing over at the girl her breathing seems even.

"Taylor," my mom says

"Mom please just hurry" I beg.

"Okay okay, but you need to get backstage," she says.

I can hear her moving in the background and know she's on her way.
I don't wanna leave the girl but I cannot miss this time slot.

I glance at the time and notice they started the clock countdown.

I wipe the sweat off of my neck and make a decision. My mom is on her way here now so I have no reason to worry, and she is bringing a medic.
I walk out of the room shutting the door behind me. I notice my mom and the medic down the hall and I run over to them.

"Taylor are you okay," my mom asks.

"Yes but I accidentally hit someone with a door and they are bleeding and need help right now" I quickly say

"Please just help her," I ask

They both nod and my mother pushes me in the direction of the stage.

I run as fast as I could to get to the stage on time. I duck down under a few pipes and they quickly start hooking me up. It's so dark Under here I have a hard time telling who is who.

"T-39 seconds," a guy next to me says.

I quickly walk over to the platform crouched down. I give the nod and the platform starts rising.

I'm under petals for the opening so they can see me right away. As soon as the petals lift up I stand up and start singing my opening song.

The crowd is full and loud tonight, everyone is so happy and singing with me.

I notice some of their faces turn into frowns and I'm confused. I glance down to make sure there's nothing on my outfit and it looks fine. Maybe something is wrong with the sound.

I glance back at the singers and they look just as confused as I am.

"Taylor" a voice comes through my headset.

They never talk to me in my headset because one time it messed me up, only if it's urgent. I continue singing but make sure I'm aware they are going to tell me something else.

" Taylor, backstage after the song ends" a man muffs into my headset.

Honestly super confused as to why they would stop me when it just started.

I press the button on the mic that only lets me talk to my team.

"Tell me what's going on" I quickly say and I spin.
They don't say anything for a minute then another guy comes on.

" There's blood on your neck," he says

I reach up and touch my neck, pulling back to see the bright red blood I'm my fingers.
Shit, I think, I didn't check to make sure that I didn't get blood anywhere on myself before coming out. This will be all over the news and Twitter.
I take a deep breath as the song ends. I run off stage and up to tree that has some wipes in hand.
She starts wiping the blood off and throwing the used wipes away.

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