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Mature ( 18+)

Taylor pov

The following morning Lana and I packed up all our belongings and loaded them in the car. We planned on leaving in a few hours and wanted to get everything done so we could enjoy the little time left with family. Lana went into the living room to play with Mady after the child practically begged her. I grabbed myself a cup of tea and made my way to the porch where my mom was sitting on the wooden porch swing.

"Hey mama," I said sitting down next to her

"How are you feeling after last night," she asked me laughing

"Ha ha, your funny mom. That was nothing compared to how drunk I'd been with Lana a few weeks ago" I said.

"I remember, you FaceTimed me" my mom smiled.

"This week was fun," I said taking a sip of my tea and looking out at the lake.

It was so peaceful and quiet. I did not want to leave. But I had life to get back to. Writing and recording songs.  Plus sel has been begging me to hang out and I've been a shitty friend getting caught up all in Lana. Well not all of her.

"You girls going to be alright," she asks

I nod a little unsure.

"I think we will be okay but I'm not too sure about the apartment," I say

"What do you mean". My mom asks me confused

"I don't know how Lana feels after someone broke in, we might just go stay at the Rhode island house for the next few months," I say picking at my nails

"Maybe that would be for the best considering that is very scary what happened," she said

I nodded my head and took another sip of my tea.

"What ring did you pick out, " my mom asked

I choked on my tea causing me to spit it out everywhere Looking over at my mom she had the biggest grin on her face.

"Mom" I groaned

"Taylor, you forget I know you. I raised you" she said patting my knee.

I wiped my mouth off and sat back on the bench.

"I've narrowed it down to a few but it's not for a few months, I don't wanna rush it if I do decide, " I say

"We'll just let me know when it happens so I can celebrate with you," my mom said

"Of course," I said

She glanced at my hair.

"No straight hair today " she teased

"Lana likes it curly" I smiled

My mom didn't say another word but I knew she was smirking.  After we spent a few hours talking about my career and life we went inside to say goodbye to everyone. The kids were so sad and Mady started crying. Lana got down onto her knees and hugged her.

"Promise you will call me and come for Christmas," Mady said teary-eyed

"Of course Mady" Lana said

Mady gripped Lana as if she would disappear at any moment. Too soon after Lana and I were saying goodbye to my mom and getting into the car.

"Be safe" she said

"Of course Mom, love you," I said as Eric pulled out of the driveway followed by our security.

Lana was quiet for over half the ride. As we pulled up to the airport before she spoke up.

"That was the best first Thanksgiving that I could have had," she said grinning

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