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Taylor's pov

I watch Lana walk off and I turn around and take a deep breath. I glance over at my security.

"If she goes anywhere but the hotel I want to be notified immediately, " I say before walking down and small tunnel under the stage.

My mind wanders to her, her sweet smile, her tan skin. She has been so good to me. Helping me with coming out and Managed my stress. I think back to the sweet moments we have shared.

  I wake up to hear Lana singing in the kitchen. Her voice filters in as she sings one of my songs. I can't believe my ears until she gets to the chorus

" Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off, ha, ha, ha-ah" Lana's sings

Her voice right then and there does something funny In my stomach. The feeling of thousands of butterflies swarms my belly.

" I'm so screwed," I think to myself

I make my way down the rest of the stairs and make my way into the kitchen. I walk into it completely a mess. The kitchen is covered in flower and egg batter. I see Lana flipping pancakes on the stove and she turns around stopping in her tracks.

"Sheesh Tay you scared me" Lana laughs

There are those butterflies, I love the sound of my name on her lips.

"Sorry," I say and take a step further into the kitchen.

"Hungry ?" She asks

"Hmmm yes," I say walking further in.

By this time I'm less than 6 feet away from her. Lana takes the pancakes off the pan and adds more batter to the pan starting a new batch. She turns around and is face to face with Me.

Her body inches from mine and I can hear her breathing. I glance down at her lips and back up to her eyes.  Her breath hitches in her throat and she glances at my lips.

" That's my apron," I say

I reach forward and set my hand on her shoulder. Sliding it back to the back of her neck I began uniting it but her hand flys up to stop me.

" I know but it looks so much better on me " Lana mumbles.

She pulls my hand away from her neck and drops it to swing back towards  My body. We move closer towards each other, our lips mere centimeters apart. I want to kiss her, her plump lips. 

I can see the specks of light brown in her hazel eyes, the freckles across her cheeks, and the scar I gave her on her bottom lip.

We are torn away by the smoke alarm going off. The blaring is almost too loud for my ears

"Shit Lana gasps out and takes the pan cakes off of the pan , the pancakes come out black.

She glanced over at me and we both break out in laughter at the pancakes.

I continue making my way toward the center of the stage where I'll be raised through the platform as I think of another memory.

I awake with a jolt from my bed, my body covered in a thick layer of sweat and my heart pounding in my chest. I look around my room to see what caused me to wake up with which a jolt. I notice my window is open so I go to shut it but as I get up I'm shaken to my core by the most bloodcurdling scream I have heard. It's not just anyone's scream though.

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