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Taylor pov

It's been months since the tour kicked off, and it has been amazing to say the least. The drama over the blood on my neck from the first night blew over and everyone has been so happy since then.

So many famous people have come to see me perform and it brings such a joy to my heart knowing how far I have come. From where I was to now, how hated I was but now people love me, and I and performing for thousands.

Tonight is the first night in Nashville and it's one of my favorite stops because this is like a second home to me. I came here often as a teenager and even played at this little cafe.

There have been some issues during the tour but nothing too crazy where my fans take it as a joke and run with it. You see that's their thing, they love seeing the real, quirky me. This is the first tour where I feel open with my fans and they love it.

I have not heard anything from that girl and her friend from the first night of the tour and I'm not sure if I ever will. I don't blame her too much, I would feel a little off about going to a concert where I was hurt and missed the whole thing.

I even tried finding the girl on Twitter and no luck. She must have a hidden profile or not care about it at all. I made it through Nashville with only night 3 causing problems.
There was such a severe thunderstorm that we had to delay forever, however, all my fans stayed in the pouring rain for the whole show! I can't believe it, I honestly thought they were going to leave and miss it or worse I would have had to cancel.

I had a few days off and I decided to go home to my house in New York. It was nice getting to relax and I caught up with my friend Selena over lunch.

" so you're telling me you still haven't seen this girl at any of your concerts and not on social media," Selena says taking a bite of a pickle.

" yeah I find it a little odd that a fan didn't swoop up the tickets immediately " I shrug my shoulders

"Maybe she died" Selena mumbled out

" Selena!!!" I gasped in horror
" don't say that !"

She laughed a little but apologized for her words.

"All I'm saying is I would have gone the next day," she said "Not waiting all this time" Selena shrugged

" yeah I know, " I said running my hands through my hair

" oh my gosh tay," Selena said in shock

"Huh" I look up at her from my stress baking

"you whipped," she says covering her mouth

" your funny " I look back down at the batter

" no Tay I'm being serious, you can't stop thinking about this girl and you can't find her on social media, so now your stress baking!!!!" Selena exclaimed

I stopped dead I'm my tracks, glancing down at my mess of a kitchen

" no, I love baking, " I say setting the pan in the oven.

"Mhmm " Selena just mumbles

I roll my eyes at her with a smile

"Plus I don't even know the woman, so how can I be as you say 'whipped' " I quote Selena

"We will see " she just says as she takes another bite of a pickle.


Later on that evening after Selena left I cleaned up my kitchen and got the house ready for a few days without me, cleaning and responding to emails and tweets on Twitter.

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