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Best be nice and pretend that 'lover 'is not written thanks all my chickens!!

Taylor pov

Thanksgiving day, they tell you not to eat breakfast because it will spoil your evening meal. I used to hate Thanksgiving because my family could pack away so much, but with me being in the public eye I made myself small and ate very little. Ever since being with Lana, I started to care less and less about what people thought about my body.

Lana loves it no matter the change that occurs. It's slowly reaching me that my body is made to hold me. Not the other way around. I'm learning to love it. This is the first Thanksgiving that I'm looking forward to enjoying the food that is being prepared downstairs. I was currently upstairs sending out a few last-minute emails before putting my computer away completely.

Lana went downstairs to help my mom prepare a few dishes. She's never had a real Thanksgiving so she is excited. She told me a story last night of the closest things to a holiday she had.

"We never had a Thanksgiving or Christmas. I was lucky if I was told happy birthday" Lana huffed

We were cuddled up in bed and Lana was telling me stories about her childhood. It was rare of her to say anything about her childhood so I shut my mouth and listened to her.

"When I was young my mom wanted to have Thanksgiving at our house. We had never hosted it before so she was excited and Dad was happy to show off the work he did on the house" Lana spoke

This was before her dad left I thought.

"Mom was rushing around cleaning and preparing food to go into the oven. My dad was out back getting the grill and pool ready. Things weren't great but that day almost felt normal. My mom tasked me to do one thing, to clean my room. It should have been an easy task considering I had nothing. All I had to do was a vacuum. But the vacuum was broken due to my mom cleaning up glass shards with it. She was never the smart one." Lana laughed slightly

" it all went downhill from there, my father came into my room to check to make sure I was cleaning and when he found out that I wasn't he got furious with me. He took his belt off and beat me until my back was bleeding. I didn't go to school for a whole week. Once he finished beating me he went back to his work and acted like nothing happened while I sat in my room throbbing in pain" Lana huffed out

I glanced at her back and she turned around and pulled her shirt up enough for me to see her back

"Lana" I gasped out

I ran my fingers along the lines of the scars she referenced in her story. Leaning forward I pressed my lips to a scar and pulled back.

"I'm so sorry Lana" I whispered

"It not your fault Tay" Lana said turning around

Lana caressed my face and went back into her story.

"My mother was livid that night. Nobody showed up at the house for Thanksgiving. The family blocked her on everything and disappeared from us. They cut her out because she was a raging alcoholic with an abusive husband. But they didn't realize they cut me out too. I had no way to contact them" Lana said with a tear falling down her face

"My mother changed that night, she got worse. Drinking more, more men, more drugs. And my dad never cared. He just hurt me until one day he was gone. He never even came home and never said goodbye. I never knew what happened to him to this day. I don't know who my parents really were" Lana huffed out

"I wanted to share this with you because you're an important person in my life, you need to know these things that happened to me in my past to understand why I act the way I do. Why do I have major trust issues and don't believe that you're not going to leave me" Lana said looking anywhere but me.

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