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Thank you to those who comment, they really help motivate me and it's nice to see people enjoying my writing !

Taylor pov:

They say when you meet the love of your life it should be like love at first sight, well I call bullshit 'cause I knocked mine unconscious.

  The platform I'm on rises and the music starts, I stand there in shock. Lana is leaving and I'll never see her again. I glance around to see my fans staring at my wide eyes and confused they may think this is some surprise for them. I go to take a step to perform but Im stuck in place . I can't give up on Lana like that.

No matter what type of relationship we have, I need to show her I do care. My actions tend to speak louder than words.  I glance back out at everyone.

"Stop the music, " I say into the mic

The music gets ripped off of the track and I stand there in silence. The crowd is dead silent not understanding what's happening. I look back at my dancers and see they are waiting on me.

"Taylor what are you doing " trees voice comes through my in-ears.

I ignore her and take a few steps off of the platform and face the audience.

" I have something that I need to do," I say into the mic

They start screaming and yelling, the ones close to me jumping up and down. Once they notice I'm not smiling and throwing hearts they stop.

" listen guys I messed up big time, I hurt someone close to me and I need to fix it," I say to them.

"There's this person I hurt and I need to go before everything is ruined," I say.

The Audience starts cheering at me. Either they are very upset or they support me. Either way I know what decision I have to make.

" I hope you can understand what I'm about to do and why it's important," I say into the mic

The crowd starts chanting Taylor and I know everything is going to be okay. I turn around to walk off but before I do I speak into the mic.

"I love you all, " I say, and run off of the stage

I run backstage handing a random guy my mic and start running to my dressing room To get a driver. Suddenly my body gets slammed into the wall and I feel like I have gotten whip lash I shake my head a little and someone pushes me back up on the wall. I look up to see tree.

" you stress me out kid," Tree says angrily

" get off me" I threatened

She keeps me pushed up against the wall and gets in my face.

" get back out stage or you will be canceled, " Tree says

" no tree, I'm going to go do something I should have done a long time ago. " I say pushing her back

The tree is strong for her size, she has to be to keep up with all the bullshit I throw at her.

" If you do this, you will never perform again, "Tree says

" I don't think- " I'm cut off by another voice

" let her go, now" I look over and see my mom standing at the end of the hallway.

Tree instantly backs up and I look back at my mom.

" go get her, " my mother says with a smile.

I turn and run as fast as I can to the dressing room. Busting the door open I see that nobody is in here. Taking a deep breath I run outside to the cars and see that the drivers are nowhere to be seen.

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