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Lana pov

"Okay, so you're telling me you were hit in the head with a door and now you have to stay here.... At the hospital..." Gracie asked

I nodded to my best friend, she came to check on me after hearing that I got taken by ambulance to the hospital after not meeting up with her at our seats and then continuing to miss the entire concert.

" we're you taken care of, " I asked her.

"Definitely, I don't know what you did but mama swift let me sit with her and talked to me all night long about Taylor and Emma Stone was there with us, people also kept coming up and giving me bracelets asking if I knew Taylor!!!" She said excitedly

"Wait mama swift ? Who's that" I laugh a little asking her

She looks me dead in the eyes shocked

"Excuse me, have I taught you nothing " she gasped in horror

" uh"

She ripped her phone out of her pocket and typed something into it, moments later turning the phone around to show me a picture of the woman who helped clean my wound up and said she would take care of Gracie.

"Ooh that's the woman who said she would take care of you for me and cleaned my cut up" I pointed up to the bandage

"What," she said standing up shocked
I glanced around the room a little confused.

"You mean to tell me that mama swift helped you when you were bleeding and hurt," she said clutching her chest and faking death.

I laughed at her

" yeah who is "mama swift" " I quoted her words

"That's Taylor swifts mom" she deadpans

At that moment I realize why Gracie was calling her mama swift and why the woman referenced that girl who hit me with the door as her daughter.

"Shit" I gasp out

" what is it," Gracie asks with full attention.

Still trying to wrap my head around the thought I slowly look up at Gracie.

" uh, so I think Taylor hit me with the door," I say a little confused.

"Your funny," she says laughing a little and sitting down in the chair.

" no, I'm being serious, " I say

" because the woman you claim to be mama swift told me that her daughter hit me with the door," I say looking up at her.

"No way," she says, her eyes wide as she stands up in shock.

" you have been blessed by the mother " Gracie yelled out.

I cringe a little at the volume.

" Sure because getting hit by the door is a blessing " I laugh out

"It is!!- Gracie is cut off by her phone ringing

" Who is it" I ask laying back in the bed

"It's an unknown number," she says before picking the phone up.

She slides the button to decline and sets it back down.

" probably one of theirs spam callers " she mumbles out

Only for her phone to ring a second time with the 'unknown' as the number.

"Just pick it up," I say to her.

Gracie picks up her phone sliding the button to pick up the call.

"Hello?" Gracie says into the phone

"Yes," she says

She stops for a second before standing up, running her fingers through her hair she begins to look excited.

"Omg yes that would be perfect " she blurts out

At this point im confused as I have no idea what's going on nor who she is talking to.
Gracie yelled thank you and clicks off the phone. She slowly turns to me and screams.
I quickly covered my ears and nurses come running in. Once they see everything is okay they make their way out slowly.

"you're not going to believe who that was," she says excitedly

"Who," I asked still confused

"Taylor swifts management," she says jumping up and down.

"And ?" I question

" and they want to give us two new tickets to any night we want for the tour to make up for everything that had happened," she said excitedly

" no way," I say in shock

" I know right!! " she says happy

"No way am I going to another Taylor concert" I blurt out

Gracie's face falls and she looks at me confused

"But Lana why not" she demands to know stomping her boot on the floor.

"Look what happened when I do go" I point up to my head

"Look I-

I cut her off
"No, and that's final," I say firmly

Gracie doesn't question me again about it and lets me finish my last hour in the hospital in peace. They let me go home today since I don't have a concussion or any other issues

" Can you pass me my phone please, it's in the bag in the closet, " I ask

"Sure but why is it in here, " gracie asks as she stands up to grab it

"They had to take everything off of me for an X-ray and I never got it back," I say.

Gracie hands me the plastic bag of my things and I pull my phone out only to let out a huge sigh

"You have got to be kidding me" I cry out

Tears now coming down my face I furiously wipe them away.

"What's wrong, " Gracie asked

"M-my phone is shattered" I mumble out

Taking a deep breath and wipe the tears away I decided that I do not like Taylor Swift. At least this incident has rubbed me the wrong way about her.

"I hate her" I breathed out

Gracie stayed silent in the chair and looked at me with pleading eyes.

" she first hit me with the door, got blood everywhere, then she shattered my phone probably because the door threw me down and lastly she ruined our concert that we were supposed to have girls' time at" I cried out


" And Now she wants to try and pay her way out of this by giving us tickets to go BACK to one of her shows" I seethed

" fuck Taylor," I said setting my phone on the table beside me.

My head started to hurt a little more and the cut on my lip throbbed slightly.

" Lana you know this was an accident," Gracie says softly

" I don't care, this is because of her " I cross my arms looking outside the window.

I hear Gracie take a deep breath and stand up.

"Well I'm going to use the extra tickets for one of her shows, you are always welcome. Who knows maybe we can get front row this time" Gracie says softly.

I just shrug and decide not to think about it anymore.

" if she did care then where is she" I mumble out.

The rest of the hour flew by and I was able to go home. I took a proper shower and crawled into my bed. I try to manage swiping through my phone but the screen is too cracked to do so. So I set it on my nightstand and pull the blankets up to my neck.

I hate her.

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