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Chapter 727

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Hearing that Damien Smyth was buried under the landslide, Bishop Mendoza was shocked,” Damien Smyth is there too? Sister, it’s so

dangerous, we have to go quickly.”

“Brother, this is a great opportunity. Damien Smyth was killed. If we stay and help find Damien Smyth, then Damien Smyth owes us a debt of gratitude.” Christian Mendoza thought to himself and said, “If Damien Smyth is really dead, we will Stay and make sure, the Skyreach Group without Damien Smyth ‘s support is probably a mess.”

The main reason is that without Damien Smyth, Vivienne Quinn’s backer will be gone. She wants to see how Vivienne Quinn can still be the envied Mrs. Smyth.

Bishop Mendoza can’t change what Christian Mendoza decides, and can only stay with him.

Rescue teams came in wave after wave, and many volunteers and local villagers spontaneously organized rescue efforts.

Christian Mendoza also joined the volunteer team and helped along, all for show.

When she was helping to search and rescue the victims, there were professional photographers taking pictures of her. In fact, they were all staged shots. Christian Mendoza would not really do these coolies.

In front of the camera, Christian Mendoza has a compassionate look, which is completely the image of a kind person.

The rescue team was very busy. They dug out a car from under the mudslide and carried out a dead driver from it.

Christian Mendoza followed and motioned for the photographer to follow, pointing the lens at her and the dead driver.

Christian Mendoza looked nervous, holding the stretcher in his hands, and asked the rescue team hypocritically, “How many people have been


Chapter 727

1 288 Vouchers

searched and rescued so far? Can you tell me what’s going on inside…”

A man in the rescue team really couldn’t understand Christian Mendoza’s showmanship, and shouted, “Don’t hinder our search and rescue, you Internet celebrities will only affect our rescue work, leave quickly, the mudslides will come later, we don’t have so many People come to distract you to save you, and make fun of people’s lives as a show, and you carn this money without any morality.”

The man from the rescue team yelled at Christian Mendoza and rushed to the ambulance with the injured.

Christian Mendoza blushed, with embarrassment on his face, and said to the cameraman,”Cut this video.”

Photographer,”Yes, Christian Mendoza.”

Christian Mendoza has a thick skin and won’t leave just because of that.

She asked the photographer to keep it a little more secretive. She continued to put on a show, took a lot of photos, asked the photographer to edit them, and used them when she went back. This video will definitely increase her fans.

The sky darkened quickly, and it was only after three o’clock in the afternoon. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a violent storm was coming.

The rescue team brought out another injured person, and Christian Mendoza saw it. It was Damien Smyth ‘s assistant, Jesse Hudson.

Jesse Hudson was left unconscious with multiple broken bones.

Christian Mendoza asked the rescue team,”Which car did you dig this out of? Anyone else?”

Jesse Hudson was found, so Damien Smyth should be among the dead.

No one is talking to Christian Mendoza, everyone is busy.

Chapter 727

Christian Mendoza was walking towards the front of the tunnel collapse. Bishop Mendoza saw it and ran over.”Sister, you can’t go forward. The mudslide is coming later.”

“I saw Jesse Hudson just now, Damien Smyth must be still in there, man. this is our chance.”

Christian Mendoza is a person who will not pass up any opportunity. She knows how important this opportunity is.

Christian Mendoza walked inside, Bishop Mendoza was worried and could only follow.

After several hours of rescue, a lot of mud and rocks on the road surface

were cleared, and a hole was cleared at the entrance of the tunnel. allowing one person to enter and exit.

Christian Mendoza watched the rescue team and volunteers carry out the victims one after another, and her eyes kept searching for the injured.

God favored Christian Mendoza, and really let her find Damien Smyth among the wounded.

Damien Smyth, unconscious with blood on his head, was carried out of the tunnel by rescue teams.

“Brother, hurry up, I see Damien Smyth.” Christian Mendoza shouted, and immediately followed the rescue team.

Ambulances are no longer sufficient, and available private cars are also helping to transport the injured to hospitals.

The rescue team was watching the volunteers take the injured to the hospital. Christian Mendoza played it by ear, “I have a car, put the injured in my car, and I will take the injured to the hospital.”

let Christian Mendoza take away Damien Smyth on the stretcher.

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