Stop, Drop, and Save - Carter Hart

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Today, Carter decided to teach me how to play goalie. Why? Absolutely no clue. When I was younger I played defense on a men's team. I quit though when I went to University. 

"You can have my old gear. It's to small for me but should be small enough for you." Carter said while handing me a pair of pads and some other gear. I took it and put it over top of my bike shorts and under armor shirt.

After struggling with the pads and getting Carter to help, I was on the ice and getting used to the feeling of pads. Carter set up the net and dropped down to stretch, gesturing me to join.

"So, lets start with butterfly. Nice and easy." He demonstrated and I copied his movements. We went over the rest and he decided to change into track clothes and shoot a bit on me. After about 5 minutes, Carter came onto the ice with shorts and a hoodie on.

"Okay. I got this." I said quietly to myself. I got into the net and looked the brunette straight in the eyes with a slightly intimidating look. He raised a brow before heading towards me from the center line. 

"Remember. Stop, drop, and save." Carter quoted himself. I did those exact things and shut my eyes. I opened them and saw that the puck had landed right in the center of the logo on my jersey. I smiled. "Atta girl!" Carter yelled and skated over.

I threw off my helmet as he tackled me to the ground. He started laughing at my expression of the heavy gear pulling me down with him on top of me as well. Carter pulled me up and we both skated off the ice.

After getting changed, me and Carter went to the only place we could possibly go for food dressed how we are without judgement. McDonalds. We both sat down with our food before Carter started talking.

"So you're telling me you've never played goalie in your life?" He questioned me. I nodded. "But how? You looked like a natural out there!" 

"I played defense. Part of my job was defending the puck to help the goaltender." I shrugged. He was at a loss of words still trying to figure out how I never played goalie. "I did spend a lot of time in the sin bin though." I laughed.

"What- how? You wouldn't hurt a fly!" Carter exclaimed. 

"There is a lot of things you don't know about me. In U18, I had 86 penalty minutes. I lead the league!" I said. I took another fry while Carter continued to process this information.

"I still can't believe my soon-to-be wife was never a goalie after seeing that." He shook his head. I chuckled again. 

"It's called having an NHL goalie, who's been playing for years, show you the ropes." I replied. "You just gotta stop and read the puck, drop down if low, and save the puck from going in the net." I quoted him.



Lmao I could totally see this happening.

WC: 509

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