Guilty Fighting - Rob McClanahan

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I <3 Rob

"Rob!" I exclaimed as he walked into the hotel with a cut on his face and dried up blood. "What the hell!" I exclaimed once more as he gave me a guilty look.

"Sorry?" He apologized in more of a questioning tone. I glared. "He punched me first!" He threw Jack under the bus, who just raised his arms.

"I plead not guilty." Jack said before running off to who knows where.

"It's training camp! You can't fight in fucking training camp!" I scolded him. I rambled on until Rob walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh. I'm sorry, Dawny. I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear repeatedly. My eyes closed in defeat as my body sunk deeper into Rob's. He smiled in success. 

We stayed in the hallways for a few more minutes before he got bored and tired. He dragged me over to our bed and threw me on it as he went to shower. My body sunk into the mattress below my body and I threw the sheets overtop of my bare legs.

When Mac came back in, his face cleared of blood, he sat down by my stomach and layed back with his head on my stomach, his legs over the edge of the bed. I played with the ends of his hair as he smiled. He looked up at me with a puppy dog kinda look.

"What do you want now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Dawn.." He dragged out.

"Mac..." I copied.

"I wanna cuddlee!" He pouted. I laughed. "What?" 

"You're a massive teddy bear that plays hockey." I joked.

"Did you not see the fight? I had him!" He defended.

"Based on how you looked compared to OC? I'd bed to differ." I told him.

"Mean." He pouted.

"It's the truth. You wanna fight you get the hard, hard truth." I scolded him.

"I said I was sorry!" 


Idk where I was going with this

WC: 314

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