Game Day - Sidney Crosby

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Background: Adelaide "Addy" Crosby, 5 years old, mother left at birth leaving her and Sid all alone, she's close with the entire Pens team, especially Jarry because we love goalies

"DADDY!" Adelaide yelled throughout their house. Her father came running into the living room and saw his pouting daughter.

"I'm ready now, we can go." He laughed.

The Pens have a game tonight and the two are getting ready to leave. Well, Addy's been ready but Sidney needed to fix his hair. He picked up his daughter into his arms and they walked out to his car.

"Can you play 9 to 5 by Dolly?" Addy asked politely from the back seat. One thing Sid always made sure of was that his daughter was always respectful when asking for something.

"Of course I can." He smiled, playing the song on Spotify. The girl had a bit of an old soul in music taste but he never cared, in fact he admired it since most kids would rather listen to Lizzo or Nicki Minaj.

When they pulled up to the arena, Adelaide jumped out of the car and ran inside to the locker room. Sidney just laughed, knowing his daughter will be alright since she's been walking those halls for the last five years. Walking in, he saw his daughter talking to Jarry. He's already in his warm up clothing so he doesn't mind.

Sidney remembers when the team first met Addy when she was a little three week old baby. They had a game and since he didn't want to leave his little girl he brought her along. The team instantly fell in love with the little baby and welcomed her into their family with open arms. The WAGs took care of her the whole game.

Sid played so well that game knowing that his little girl was watching from the sidelines. As soon as she could walk the team was teaching her how to skate. As soon as she could skate the team was teaching her how to shoot. As soon as she could talk the team, much to Sidney's disapproval, was teaching her how to trash talk.

Snapped out of his thoughts, he went to his stall and changed into his conditioning clothing and went to play sewer ball with the others. Addy went out to the bench with the equipment manager to set up pucks. Some people were already in their spots and spotted the little girl setting up pucks and water bottles.

"Wanna go out and test the ice?" Jon Taglianetti, the equipment manager, asked Addy. She instantly nodded and ran back to put on her skates and helmet.

"What're you doing little one?" Sidney asked his daughter as the team walked back in to get ready for warmups.

"Jon asked if I wanted to test the ice!" She smiles. He laughed and nodded as she ran out.

Adelaide stepped onto the ice with her stick and puck. She skated down to the net and shot a couple times. Eventually, she had to get off. Fans playfully booed as she stepped off the ice in sadness for her leaving.

Sid watched with a smile as his daughter walked back to the dressing room. Even if she doesn't have a mother, she has a shit ton of fun on game days.

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