Fights & Losses - Colin Doherty

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TW: Mentions of blood

"Fucking hell." Kaylee cursed as Colin got into a fight with one of the Blackfalds Bulldogs players. Dubinsky, the team's backup goalie, turned his head and made eye contact with her since she was sat right behind him.

The Bulldog easily took him down and Colin skated off with blood oozing down his face. His teammates high fived him as he walked by. The boy looked up and made eye contact with his girlfriend by the tunnel. He gave her guilty eye contact but continued walking down with a Gatorade towel held to his nose.

Kaylee sighed and turned back to the game, which they were losing 7-3. She looked over at their goaltender, feeling very bad for him. The girl drove up from Sherwood Park to Blackfalds to see him since they don't see one another very often. Once the buzzer finally went, she grabbed her things and walked down to the lobby.

She met up with Will Harris's girlfriend and mom and chatted with them for a bit until he walked out. The girl gave him a slight smile before walking off and waiting for Colin to come out. After a few minutes he walked out with a bloody towel in case his nose started bleeding again.

"Jesus, Colin." Kaylee sighed, hugging him tight. Colin hugged her even tighter with a sad smile.

"I can't believe I keep getting myself suspended." He muttered quietly, backing away from her so they could talk before she drove back to Sherwood Park and he got onto the bus to head back to Grande Prairie.

She leaned slightly into his arm for reassurance. He smiled at the gesture and wrapped his arm around her in a half hug kind of way.

"Your family's coming down now, so I'm gonna love you and leave you. Long drive back to Sherwood." Kaylee told him sadly. Colin's face dropped slightly but he nodded in understanding.

"I'll call you when I'm on the bus." He promised. She nodded and hugged him tight.

"I'll see you whenever you're back in Sherwood alright?" He nodded and let her go, kissing the top of her head.

Driving back

"Everyone's sleeping or texting family." Colin replied to Kaylee's question on what the boys are up to.

"I'm almost home now, but I'll call you tomorrow alright?" She promised. He sighed but obligated. "Love you, Doh."

"Love you too, Kay." He spoke with a big grin.

Once they hung up, the guy beside Colin, Will, looked at him with an eyebrow raised. The forward sent the defenseman a confused look.

"What?" Colin asked.

"Oh nothing." Will grinned. That's how it was left.


This may be one of my least favourite imagines I've ever written gang

WC: 461

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