Soothing - Luke Hughes

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TW: mental health mentions

Lacey has been stressed out of her mind recently. Her professors have all been giving her tons of homework and assignments. Balancing that on top of work, sleeping and eating hasn't been good for her. She's constantly up doing assignments or working, so that leads for about two hours of sleep if she's lucky, and she eats once or twice a day and it's just a little snack like some crackers or whatever.

Luke's been worried about her. She hasn't been seeing him as much and she hasn't been going to any of his home games recently. This is his first full year with the Devils so they're on the road a lot, but even when he's home it's as if she's almost..avoiding him.

The constant thought of if she's gonna break up with him soon haunts him. His mind is elsewhere during not only practices but games as well. Jack's been trying to tell him to just go over to Lacey's and check on her but he refuses.

Luke has a game tonight in New York, so fairly close to New Jersey. Just across the river. He's pacing his hotel room with thoughts swarming his head. These thoughts were so distracting he didn't hear his brother walk into his hotel room until his voice was heard.

"Luke." Jack called out worriedly. He walked into the bedroom portion and sighed in relief upon seeing his younger brother. "Luke! There you are! Thank God. We've been looking for you!" He exclaimed in a relieved tone.

"Sorry man." Luke apologized, evidently still out of it. His older brother just sighed.

"If you're so nervous just call her." Jack pointed out. As always, Luke shook his head. "What if it has to do with school? Or work? She not gonna break up with you dude. If she does then you have the team, Quinn, mom, dad, and most importantly, me." He tried joking but Luke wasn't having it.

But he sighed and shook his head, grabbing his things and leaving the room. Jack stood in the center of the living area, staring up at the ceiling. He decided that if Luke wasn't going to call her, he would.

Before walking downstairs he pulled out his phone and brought up Lacey's contact. He pushed the call button and held the ringing device to his ear. The call almost immediately forwarded to voicemail. Jack sighed but left the hotel with his team.

*after the game*

The Devils won 7-4 against the Rangers. All the guys were shouting and some were even singing some random country song playing. Luke just shook his head with a slight smile at the guys, but all in all left earlier than the rest of them. Jack's eyes simply followed his breaking down brother. Nico placed a hand on his shoulder but he placed on a fake grin and continued to sing the country song, but this time half heartedly.

Meanwhile with Lacey..

Lacey is drowning.

Not physically drowning, but mentally. All the school work, her actual work..she can't take it anymore. She's iced everyone out without even realizing it and officially feels more alone than ever.

She thinks that Luke hates her. That's the only reason she won't call him. Her everlasting fear of abandonment has caught up to her and she wouldn't be surprised if he had gone out with the boys and is fucking some chick as we speak.

Her mind was so gone that she hadn't noticed the time. When her eyes diverted over to her clock it read 5:58 am. Her lips parted and she let out a heavy sigh as she skipped yet another night of sleep.

The boys got home earlier this morning and she's yet to hear from neither Luke or Jack. At this point it doesn't surprise her, why would they text her when she's basically iced them cold anyway?

Lacey dragged her exhausted body to her dresser and threw on some sweatpants and one of Luke's old USNTDP sweatshirts. After putting on her beat up white converse, she grabbed her book bag and left, intentionally leaving her phone behind.

*after classes, Lacey's work at a local coffee shop*

Lacey tiredly handed a lady her coffee and waved goodbye, walking back over to the register to lazily type in someone's order. The bell to the cafe dinged but she didn't bother looking up. After the person's order was taken and paid for, the next person walked up.

"Welcome to PJ's Coffee. What can I get you?" She tiredly asked, not looking up. It was when she felt a hand on her own that she looked up. "Luke?" Her voice was filled with tired shock.

"When do you get off?" He nervously asked his girlfriend.

"7:30." She answered. Luke looked up at the clock. 7:25.

"I'll get a latte to stay." He requested. She nodded and took his order. When he went to pay she grabbed his hand softly and pushed it away. He gave her a confused look.

"This one's on the house.." She told him with a nervous edge to her voice. He nodded and smiled, finding a secluded place to sit and wait.

10 minutes later the girl was sitting across from her boyfriend, nervously twiddling her fingers. He noticed and grabbed one of her hands in his own. Her eyes looked up into the concerned eyes of the defenseman across from home. She looked around her, having a feeling this was gonna be an important conversation.

"Can we talk at my place?" Lacey quietly asked Luke. He nodded and the two stood up and left to his car. She takes public transit everywhere since she can't afford the car bills.

They arrived at her small apartment just off campus. She rushed up ahead of him and ran into her place, trying to clean up all the assignments and homework so he wouldn't think she's as mentally overwhelmed as she is. Unfortunately, it was just too much.

"Lacey?" He questioned with a concerned tone at the work load around her living area. "Holy shit, babe." He exclaimed.

She looked down. "I'm sorry I've been icing you. I didn't do it on purpose, I swear! It's just that work's been busy and school and-" he cut her off.

"Hey it's okay." He said, his voice naturally soothing without even having to try. "Sweetie it's okay, alright?" She shook her head. "Yes. Yes it is. You're stressed! Let me help you. Please." He wasn't taking no for an answer as he pulled her gently over to the couch.

Together, the two worked through the workload and did it all. Luke then made Lacey actual food after learning she hasn't had actual food in weeks. His natural boyfriend instincts kicked in with the feeling to protect and take care of her.

Luke talked to her until she fell asleep. His voice is so soft it's naturally soothing without having to do anything, and it always helps Lacey sleep which is something he figured out early into their relationship. He carried her over to her bed and lightly placed her down, tucking her under.

After that he left the apartment and headed down to his car. Upon getting situated, he grabbed his phone to text Jack.
Lil Jizzy and Moosey

Thanks man.

For what?
I didn't do Jack shit

Luke rolled his eyes.

For helping me talk to Lacey

That was all you buddy. :)

I'm omw

Okay. I'm home

Luke put his phone away after that with a smile on his face, knowing that he was able to break his girlfriend out of he little shell.



Anyway it's 2 am and I need to wake up in 4 hours so I gotta sleep now. Night people.

WC: 1330

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