My Girl(s) - 300k Special!

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Owen Power

"Brynn!" Owen smiled brightly. Brynn laughed loudly and fell into his opened arms.

He just dropped off his little sister at Benson's apartment because she wanted to hang out with her new best friend. With this opportunity, Owen took the chance to hang out with his best friend. The two decided not to go out, but rather lay on the roof of Owen's apartment.

"I brought blankets and snacks." He grinned happily.

She smiled and helped place the soft, warm blankets on the concrete floor and the bowls of all kinds of snacks in the middle. Two pillows were placed down for their heads to lay on. However, Brynn used Owen as her own pillow.

The two laid down and stared up at the stars. Brynn put her head down on Owen's chest, practically laying on top of him. This wasn't anything unusual for them. Actually, this was quite normal.

Colours of all kinds danced around in the sky above as the sun slowly disappeared, being replaced by the shining whiteish-yellow of the moon. Around them, squirrels were heard nestling into their homes upon realizing it was beginning to get dark, crickets chirped loudly below them on the ground.

"It's beautiful." Brynn whispered softly. Owen smiled gently.

"Just like you." He muttered. She turned her head up towards him.

"I didn't hear you?" All he did was shake his head.

"It's not important." This time it was her turn to shake his head.

"What's on your kind, Power?" Brynn asked him, sitting up.

Owen sighed. "Please don't make me ruin this evening." He pleaded.

"Owen, it cannot be that bad." She told him, brushing his hair away from his worried face. "I'm sure I'll understand whatever it is."

"I like you, Brynn. But I know that your probably don't like me back. We're best friends, and-" He was cut off by her lips landing on his.

When the two pulled away, they both smiled. "I like you too, Owen."

"Will you be my girl?" Owen asked. Brynn nodded, connecting their lips once more.

Jamie Drysdale

Jamie walked in from a rough practice. It was just revealed to them that their back up goalie, Carter Hart, did some..wrong things back in his World Junior days. Saying that, they brought in an ex NHL goalie who they needed to get used to their team's playing style. All Jamie wanted now was to cuddle with Madison.

"There's my girl!" Jamie cheered as Madison walked around the corner into the living room. She laughed and jokingly bowed.

"Hey, Jimmy. How's the new goalie doing?" She asked him, placing a kiss light on his lips.

"He's learning our team's ways, but there's still a long way to go." He sighed, putting his shoes away in the closet.

Before Maddie had a chance to respond, she was picked up by Jamie as he ran to their room. Her laugh echoed throughout the apartment. Once they got into their room, he threw her on the bed and went to shower before she had a chance to scold him on how sweaty he was.

When Jamie came back into the room, now showered and wearing sweats considering it's cold in their apartment, and he flopped down beside Maddie. She pulled his tired figure closer and laid his head on her chest. He let out a sigh of contentment as she ran her hand gently through his hair while reading a book with her other hand.

"Can you read to me?" Jamie requested softly. One thing he always loves after a practice is Madison reading her book to him.

"Of course I will." She smiled. As she started reciting the all too familiar words of The Outsiders, he relaxed into her body and closed his eyes, letting his girlfriend's soft voice drift him into a dreamless sleep.

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