Always Protect You - Sidney Crosby

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TW: stalking/following
Father!Sid x Daughter!OC
Pretend Adelaide's like 16 or 17 in this
Quote at the end from Love You Forever by Robert Munsch

Addy has never been so scared in her life.

Her friends had convinced her to go to this part one of their classmates was hosting. Someone spiked the punch, obviously, so there were drunk people all over. But one man didn't stop following her.

She tried telling her friends but they just laughed it off. Eventually, she had enough once he tried talking to her and she began to run out the doors and to a safe place to call an Uber so her dad, Sidney, wouldn't get suspicious.

The man followed her, however. After turning multiple corners she saw a familiar car, and the person in the vehicle recognized her and immediately noticed her tear stained face and the man attempting to nonchalantly follow her.

"Hey, Ads. Come here." Letang ussured in his French accent. Adelaide's face immediately lit up and she ran into his open arms, crying.

The man following her ran another way after seeing the hockey player. Kris looked at Addy and silently cursed at seeing the teenager looking so scared.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked her. She nodded and got into his car.

Sidney's House

Sid was worried sick after receiving a text from his teammate saying that he was driving Sid's daughter back after a situation. He didn't receive any details however.

Now, he's resorted to pacing the living room while waiting for his daughter. He knew Addy was at a party with her friends, they had an open relationship and she wasn't scared to ask if she could go or not. But this has never happened in all the parties she's gone to.

Sidney rushed to the door as soon as it opened, revealing his frightened daughter and his teammate. "Daddy." The young teen cried, running into her father's arms.

"It's okay, I've got you." He whispered. Looking up, he sent Kris a very thankful look. The man smiled and nodded before leaving the two Crosbys.

"I'm sorry." Sidney gave Adelaide a confused look.

"Why? You have nothing to apologize for, sweetie." He told her.

"I shouldn't have gone to the party. If I didn't then that guy wouldn't have followed me." She muttered through her crying.

Sidney was shocked at the new information, but decided to handle that at a later date. Eventually, Adelaide quieted and decided to go to be since it had been an eventful night. She bid her father goodnight and tensely walked up the stairs and into her bedroom.

The older man sighed. Both in relief that his daughter was physically alright and anger in himself that he wasn't there to help her. But amongst those two emotions, he also felt thanks. Thanks to Kris for keeping his daughter safe when she was in danger, and to the universe for not taking his baby away from him.

Shaking those thoughts away and deciding to go to bed for he had practice the next day, Sidney began ascending the steps upstairs and down the hallway. However, he stopped outside of Adelaide's room and peeked his head in to see her fast asleep in the center of her bed. He walked in and sat on the edge, brushing the hair out of her face.

"I'll always protect you. For as long as I live, I'll protect you." He muttered to his daughter before pulling out one of his favourite quotes from the book he used to read her every night before going to bed.

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."


Idk what this is but that motherfucking book makes me cry every damn time I read it

Ngl just kinda wanted to write an imagine on stalking bc I realized, out of the around 150-160 imagines in here, I've never written a stalking one

Also, we're nearing the end of this imagines book! Will you guys want me to write a second one after this is finished? Because I'll be more than happy to begin a new one after this one's over with requests open again!

WC: 713

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