What's Canada? - Braden Schneider

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Y'all, as a Canadian, this HURT to write.

I met Braden at Starbucks. Irrelevant. Anyways, me and Braden have been trying to plan a trip for the off season when we decided to visit his parents. The only time I've met them was when they were in town.

"So my family lives in Prince Albert. So we'll drive there because no flights go there." Braden explained. I nodded.

"Where's Prince Albert?" I asked him.

"It's in Saskatchewan, Canada." He simply replied while getting up to start packing because we're leaving tomorrow morning.

"What's Canada?" I questioned. Braden stopped in his tracks and slowly turned with his jaw to the floor. 

"Did you just-" He stopped himself. "I- I-" 

"What?! I'm American! I've never left!" I weakly defended myself. 

"Do you know what maple syrup is?" Braden asked quietly.

"You mean Aunt Jemima?" Braden was shocked. 

"How the fu- fudge do you not know!" He asked. 

*Canada, pitstop at Niagara Falls*

We made stops in a bunch of places so that Braden could show me Canada. Right now we're having a private tour of Niagara Falls. I don't know if you can do that. We were walking in a very pretty spot when Braden tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and gasped, hands going over my mouth. Tears were stinging my eyes and blinding me.

"Nicole, we've known each other for 4 years now. To some, that may not be very long. But to me, us, it's been an eternity. When I first met you I spilled my coffee all over you and offered my sweatshirt, which I still haven't gotten back." I laughed slightly. "You were so kind to me and I still don't know why. I gave you my number and we hung out until I had to leave and go home. This was before I got signed, and I was exploring the city incase I did end up getting signed here. We kept in contact until I came back and we finally met up again for the first time in a year. I finally grew a pair and asked you out and we started dating. I knew from the start we were meant to be together. So, Nicole Everglade James, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I squealed immediately. Braden got up and kissed me. When we pulled away, I smirked. "Aren't you glad I didn't know Canada existed?"


I feel mentally injured after writing this as a Canadian.

WC: 400

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