My Arrogant Asshole - Jack O'Callahan

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"Jack! When will you stop with this- this whole grudge or fight with Rob!" Violet scolded her boyfriend while she sat on the hotel bathroom counter, cleaning his small cuts from his on ice fight with Robbie.

"But-" He started before she cut him off.

"No buts! If you want to make this damn team, Jack, you need to pull yourself together!" She practically yelled. "I don't give a fuck what happened seven years ago!" His mouth closed after that statement and he looked down. The girl sighed. "Please, Jack. You can go back to whatever this is after the season, okay? But for now, try to befriend the guy. For the team's sake." She said to her boyfriend, quieting down finally.

Jack looked up at her like a son that had just been yelled at by his mother. His eyes held regret for his actions and his posture was more slouched. The two looked at each other before Violet's face grew into a smile.

"See? You've learned now." She stated softly with a smile. That caused Jack's infamous grin to grow on his face and he hugged her tight. 

"I love you so, so much, Vi. And I'm sorry for the way I acted." He apologized. She kissed his lips softly and pulled away with a shit eating grin. The man sighed. "I'm gonna regret apologizing now, huh?" He groaned out. The brunette just laughed and nodded while he dug his face into her next.

*after tryouts*

Violet was waiting outside the locker room after the day of tryouts. Surprisingly, Jack and Robbie talked civilly during the on ice time, no fighting. Not even some trash talk. To say she was proud of Jack was an understatement. Knocking her thoughts away, the door opened and her "lovely" boyfriend walked out. The quotes are because he's a bit of an asshole to other people, but never her because, hello? We don't do toxic relationships.

"Heyy!" She squealed, jumping into his opened arms. His head was on the top of her head so she felt a growing smile on his face. 

"Hello." He chuckled. Her face lifted up and kissed his jaw since that's all she could reach. She 5'3 and he's 6'0 so that's quite the difference.

"You didn't fight him!" Vi exclaimed. The man smiled down again at his girlfriend being so enthusiastic about this. "You talked to him without any kind of trash talk, too!" She continued on for a few more minutes before Jack kissed her to shut her up.

A couple of the boys walked out of the room at that point and "ooohed" at the couple. Jack flipped the bird at them and they all laughed loudly, running out the door knowing better than to mess with OC. The couple pulled away and Violet playfully glared at him.

"Did you really have to flip the poor boys off?" She asked him. He rolled his eyes.

"They were being annoying!" He whined like a kid at his girlfriend. This time it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"You're such an arrogant asshole sometimes, you know." She sternly told him. His eyes widened in shock but they fully told Vi that he 100% agrees. "But it's okay. You're my arrogant asshole." She finished. 

His grin appeared on his face and he pulled her into his arms. A simple squeeze told him that she really did appreciate him. That one single thing made him one very happy defenseman.



WC: 573

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