Chatting A Country Apart - Carson Bjarnason

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Carson got injured pretty seriously when playing a game with the Wheat Kings. However, Philadelphia offered to take him in for their program that helps injured players. He took up the offer, so now he's down in Pennsylvania while his girlfriend, Logan, is still in Carberry, Manitoba.

"I miss you." Logan frowned as she sat in her bed on FaceTime with Carson. It was currently 9:30 where she was and 10:30 where he was.

"I miss you too. But I'll be back soon." The goalie weakly reassured the girl.

"But what if they keep you? I mean, Hart's gone and probably won't be back because of what he did and they can't keep a 30 year old goalie as the backup forever. He ain't Fleury." She groaned, throwing her head back onto the pillow behind her.

Carson laughed before changing the subject. "How's your knee?" He asked her. She's an equestrian and fell off her horse, dislocating her knee. I did that too a bit ago.

"It hurts. My ma won't let me leave my room though." Logan complained, rolling her eyes.

"Because she knows that if she lets you leave you'd go to the barn." Knowing that was right, Logan just rolled her eyes once more and huffed. "Don't get mad at me." Carson whined.

"So, the Wheat Kings are ass right now." She changed the subject.

"Don't remind me." A giggle escaped her lips at that. "What are you giggling at?" The boy asked her in a joking tone.

"You say 'don't' a lot." She said, giggling again.

"Don't e-" He stopped once he realized it and she burst out laughing. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"What's it like knowing the goalie you were so excited to see ended up being an absolute creep?" Logan asked out of the blue, her hatred for Carter Hart shining through like a lamp in a dark room.

"The team was disgusted when they found out it was crazy. When I found out one of my idols did..that?" Carson grimaced. 

The two talked for hours after that, different topics rising through the surface. Eventually, however, it become midnight for Carson in Philadelphia and he realized he needed to go to physio in the morning.

"Anyway, it's like, late. I don't want to leave you though." He pouted through the camera of the phone, the only source of light in his room coming from the light of the moon through his apartment curtains.

"You have physio and I have a doctors appointment, Cars. I love you though." She smiled softly.

Carson sighed. "I love you too, Logan." With the, he hesitantly ended the call and threw his phone on his nightstand.

The goalie misses the equestrian an insane amount. He hasn't seen her in a month since he's been in Philly for the program and she's still in Carberry working on getting her knee back to normal. But soon enough he'll see her once again. When he's back in Manitoba, Carson vows to spend as much time with Logan because who knows where he'll end up?


This was so awkward bc I know him but I wanted to write it so yolo-

He don't know abt this anyways

WC: 516

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