Heritage Classic - Connor McDavid

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I'm picturing Connor in the picture for this bc he was so fine with the long hair and stubble

"You ready?" Angela asked Connor as he took a deep breath. Today is the day of the Heritage Classic, as well as his first game back from injury. 

"I think so, yeah." He answered his fiancée, turning around to face her. 

To top off the fact that it's the Heritage Classic, it's also the infamous Battle of Alberta. He's nervous about somehow reinjuring himself with either a check or a face off that went wrong..but she's assured him that it won't happen. 

"Lets got then." She ushered him on and he laughed.

Upon arriving at the arena, Angela dropped Connor off at the arena and drove to where the Classic was taking place. The teams are both doing some sort of special entrance with outfits and the WAGs all agreed to meet up early then go out for a pregame drink.

After they all got there, the WAGs agreed on a bar nearby that would probably have a lot of pregamers at, but they'll only be there for about an hour before they go back to the Commonwealth Stadium since they promised to help setup a few things before fans got there. As promised, after one drink they were back and setting up.

"Why'd we agree to this again?" Breanne, Ryan's wife, asked. 

"I've been wondering the same thing." Amanda, one of the Flames WAGs, replied. Both the teams WAGs agreed on being friends years ago because there's really no point in them having a feud. 

"I'm bored." Angela complained as Breanna laughed. Angela and Breanna have been friends since High School, just a convenience that they both ended up with an Oiler.

Eventually, both sides of girls were called out to the benches for some final opinions on something. After that, fans started to file into the stands so the WAGs went to the back where the players were warming up. 

"Look at you losers." Angela joked to the Oilers play sewer ball. Well, trying to get the soccer ball down from where they got it stuck. Connor glared at his fiancée before going back to trying to get the ball down. "Warm ups literally start in 10 minutes guys." She pointed out.

The boys looked at each other before sprinting to the locker room. The girls laughed and easily got the ball down, throwing it to the equipment manager to put away. The timer went down to a minute for warmups and Skinner came running out of the locker room, panting with the team following behind.

Angela laughed at the sight of the panting athletes. "This wouldn't happen if y'all paid attention to time you know." She joked. Connor motioned her over, so she walked over. Just for him to hit her head lightly with his glove.

She rose an eyebrow at the action and fixed her hair. To his luck, they were told to walk out for warm ups. He more speed walked away however. She rolled her eyes and laughed at the man she's planning to spend the rest of her life with.


Petition for Connor to bring back the style he had in the pic. He looked so fine and now he looks homeless.

WC: 540

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