OT Winner - Conor Geekie

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"HOLY SHIT!" Quinlyn yelled as Conor scored his third goal in a row, tying up the game 5-5. Her hand stuck out as he came skating by the bench, his face lit up in a smile even though no hats flew for his hat trick. 

There is one minute left in the third period and they tied up the game. Once the buzzer went the team skated to the bench to get out our lineup for overtime. After the buzzer went once again the three skaters for our side were out and the puck dropped. 

Two minutes passed and Geekie, Savoie and Sward were out and skating toward Maric. Sward passed to Savoie, who passed to Geekie. He shot the puck and-

"HELL YEAHHH!" Quinlyn jumped off the bench and jumped on Conor, taking him down on the ice. He groaned loudly as she laughed.

"Ow, Quinlyn." He scolded her. She pouted jokingly but got up as she saw the team getting ready to tackle him back down, not wanting to be in the middle of it. "QUIN HELP!" Conor begged her.

She shook her head and skated over to Gee, tapping his head hard. He shot her a glare when he felt the hit on her head. The two skated over to the pile of Wenatchee players standing up. Conor skated over to Quinlyn and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. 

"Four goals, dude!" She congratulated him. He blushed and shook his head at the attention.

The stars were announced and Geekie got first star, of course. He walked back and everyone covered him from head to toe in Gatorade, water, whatever they could find really. Music played loudly after coach talked and he told them they all have an hour to get on the bus or he leaves without them. Obviously he wouldn't, but they do have a bit of a hike back to Wenatchee. 

After taking off his gear and putting on his sweats for the drive back, Conor walked over to his girlfriend and leaned all of his weight on her. Quinlyn pushed him back so that she could roll her sweatpants up and the bottom. Not her sweatpants, Conor's that she stole and never gave back. 

"Rude." He whined. She shook her head and laughed. 

"Bud I'm tired as hell too but we got shit to do." The red head told him. "Also, can I snatch your pink visor? That thing's sick." She pleaded him. He laughed.

"No, that's my good luck charm." He joked. "Of course you can borrow it." A smile formed on his face as his girlfriend scurried about the room while grabbing some things from his stall that she left there on accident. 

"Conor Geekie!" She yelled at him. The team 'ooohed' and laughed at her glaring at him as well as his frightened expression.

"Yes?" He asked cautiously. 

"Where are my airpods?!" She scolded him. His face dropped and his hand subconsciously went to his sweats pocket. Her glare hardened on where he's hiding them. She held a hand out.

Conor sighed and put them in her hand while the team laughed and slapped his back in a 'nice try' kind of way. The team equipment manager walked in and told them all to bring their bags down to the bus because they're leaving in five minutes. Everyone's face dropped and they all ran around, arguing over who's stuff is who's and throwing their things in their bags.

Once they were all on the bus, some of the fell asleep right away while some people talked to family or friends. Conor leaned his head on Quinlyn's shoulder with a long sigh after replying to basically every single person in his contacts and his Snapchat. 

"Tired?" She joked. He didn't respond, instead just closing his eyes.

 The girl leaned her head on his. His face had a grin grow slowly. All in all he shifted closer into her side and she did the same thing. Admin turned around and took a picture of the sleep couple and posted it with a mischievous grin. 


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Caption: just our overtime hero having a little nap
Liked by zachbenson_06, logancooley18, and 2.5k others
Tagged: conor_geekie, quinlynfinlynd


@logancooley18✔️: can y'all tell people to stop calling me gay in Conor's comment section because I called him cupcake?
↳@zachbenson_06✔️: logancooley18 brother what the hell-

@mattsavoie7✔️: he snores so loud it's not even funny
↳@whlwild_✔️: mattsavoie7 that's you
↳↳@user74926: whlwild_ bro called him out

load more..



Anyway, broski literally got goals 3, 4, 5, 6 for the Wenatchee Wild last night. Also he's so pretty.

WC: 780

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