Tough Practice - Roger McQueen

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"Can we watch Cars?" Sydney asked Roger once they got back to their billet home. They both play for the Brandon Wheat Kings, he as a center and she as a goalie.

He laughed at her but nodded. The two of them sat in his bed, him having his Lightning McQueen crocs on and her having her Mater crocs on. She cuddled into his side while he went onto Disney+ to find the movie.

"KACHOW!" Syd yelled out of nowhere. Roger burst out laughing. "Shut up, meanie." She smacked him hard on his head.

"OW!" He yelled out. Their billet mom was heard laughing at the two back in the living room.

The two laughed as well before settling in and watching the movie. When it was over, Sydney knocked her croc against Roger's. He looked down at her and sent a confused look.

"Can I help you?" He asked her in a joking matter.

"You're like Lightning McQueen. You're speedy on the ice." She said, still knocking her Mater croc on his McQueen one. 

He chuckled. "I guess so, huh?" He mused. She nodded.

"You know" She began. "You're tall as fuck." The blonde told her boyfriend, who just laughed out loud.

The two continued talking for a little while until they had eventually fallen asleep.

*Next morning, practice*

"Come on, Johnson! Lets get moving!" Marty yelled at the female who had let in the puck just shot at her.

She huffed in dismay but didn't say anything about it. Puck after puck was shot at her, driving her to over stretch her body beyond it's limits. After practice she skated right off and back to the locker room, groaning as her body screamed when she sat down.

"You okay, Syd?" Roger asked from a few stalls away. Sydney just nodded and took all of her gear off, changing into her sweats and sweatshirt she wore to practice.

She then walked over to her boyfriend once he finished changing and pulled him up to leave. He laughed and waved bye to the boys in their stalls, walking with Sydney over to his car. Her legs pushed her up into his car with all her strength left. 

They eventually got home and she flopped onto her bed. He followed her in and flopped down next to her, pulling her into his chest. The two smiled and fell asleep in one another's hold after one tough practice.


Idk what to name this lol

WC: 399

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