Comfort - Leo Carlsson

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Background: Astrid "Assi" Carlsson, 16 years old, lives in Anaheim with her brother, has been close with Leo since she was born, plays hockey for the a local U18 team

Astrid cried as she called Leo from an alley. Her teammates dragged her out to some post-game party and it took a turn for the worst, which her teammates didn't know. Of course, having gone to many hockey parties, Leo warned her not to go. The phone rang only for a moment before it was answered.

"Hello?" Leo's voice came through the speaker. "Assi? Aren't you at a party?" He asked her right away.

"Can you come get me? I'll send my location." Was all that she whispered. Her brother immediately turned protective, telling her he would be there soon and to stay on the phone.

She dropped her pin to him and he got into his car, the call connecting to the Bluetooth. Around ten minutes later, Astrid recognized the familiar 2016 Jeep Wrangler freedom by the street as well as the familiar figure of her older brother jumping out.

"Leo!" The teenager exclaimed, running out of her hiding place and into the safety of her brother's arms.

"Thank God you're alright." Leo muttered, hugging his little sister as close as he could to her.

The siblings stood like that for a moment. After Assi stopped crying, they got into Leo's car and drove to their apartment. Over the course of the drive, she kept her head on the glass window beside her with her eyes pointed straight forward. Her brother glanced at her a few times out of worry.

When they pulled up to the apartment, Astrid wasted no time to jump out. She ran up the two flights of stairs, into the two bedroom apartment, and into her bedroom. Leo sighed sadly as he walked into their apartment after her. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to Trevor. People may think it's weird, but as soon as the Carlsson siblings moved to Anaheim, Trevor and Astrid clicked. They're basically the same person. Same personality, play hockey, only differences are their heights, genders and ages.

Leo and Trevor



What's up?

Can you come over?

Something happened to Assi
and she's not doing great

I'm omw

I'm bringing ice cream
too. From DQ


Leo set his phone down on the table by him and sat back on the couch. He had no clue what happened at that party, but he also knew she would tell him when she was ready. Trevor got there only minutes later and adventured to Astrid's room. While he was in there, Leo busied himself with looking back at clips of their most recent practice.

He only looked up after hearing Astrid's door open. Assuming it was Trevor leaving, he stood up to say goodbye on his teammate. However, he was met with his little sister standing in the doorframe of the living room with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She ran up to him and hugged him tight.

Astrid frantically told Leo why she left the party and what happened while he hugged her tight, letting her know he was there for her. at some point, Trevor left with a smile, watching his teammate and Leo's sister be so honest with one another. With that, Trev left, knowing his best friend now felt comfortable being 100% honest with her older brother for the first time in forever.


Haven't updated this in forever.

Guys I've lost all respect for the 5 players from team Canada 2018 involved in the allegations. Even Carter Hart.

WC: 618

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