We're A Family - Team USA (1980)

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Giving Jack O'Callahan a little sister because I want to and I can.

Background: Stephanie "Steph" O'Callahan, 5 years old, lives with Jack, travels everywhere with him including to the Olympics, loves the team like they're her brothers.

Steph smiled as Jack picked her up and hugged her close in the cold winter weather. Sure, she had her jacket on, but her brother's body heat warmed her up even more as she and a few of the boys stood outside of the bus to talk to coach Herb about something.

There was this new kid that Herb brought out of nowhere that had all the guys rattled. He goes by the name Timmy Harrer, plays for the Gophers. The team was basically set, only one more cut to be made before the final roster. All the boys, whether from Boston or Minnesota, maybe even a different university, they all grew into one big family. All five of the people standing outside's attention was brought up when Herb Brooks walked out of the bus.

"This had better take about two minutes." Herb said as he walked out.

"This is crazy, Herb." OC began with. "Bringing him in this late." He pointed out, hugging his sister closer as she shivered over so slightly.

"We got parents buying tickets, getting rooms. What should we tell 'em?" Mac added on.

"With one of us going home as it is." OC said.

Herb turned his attention to where Rizzo was standing. "I guess I don't have to ask where you stand on this, Rizzo?" He asked the hockey player.

Robbie chimed in. "This wasn't Rizzo's idea!" He informed his coach.

"You want me to say I'm scared of getting cut?" Rizzo challenged. "I'm scared of getting cut. Everybody is." He admitted.

"We just want it to be fair." Jack told Herb, telling the truth.

"He was right there in Colorado-" Herb began before getting interrupted.

"That was six months ago!" Rizzo exclaimed.

"You don't think he's been playing?" The older coach began again.

"Not with us, he hasn't."the player countered, beginning to get annoyed.

"So?" Herb weakly defended.

"So, there's a difference!" Rizzo  told his coach.

"Like hell." Herb grumbled. "All I know is that kid can play!"

Jack took that comment hard. "What, and we can't?" He asked Herb defensively.

Herb shrugged. "He moves the puck, he's got great vision on the ice..."

"That's not the point!" Mac almost shouted.

"I'll tell you something else he's got." The man continued on his speech so long that even Steph rolled her eyes. "He's got the altitude I want on and off the ice." He said, emphasizing a few words. "So somebody better explain why I shouldn't be giving him a look."

Johnson spoke up. "Because we're a family." he said with zero hesitation.

To say the coach was shocked would be an understatement. "What?" He questioned.

"We're a family." Johnson repeated.

"A family?" Herb asked.

"Teah." All the boys, including the little girl, agreed, even the two stubborn O'Callahans.

Herb looked down for a moment,almost to think over his options. "And this is the family you wanna go to Lake placid with?" He asked the boys.

"Definitely." Rizzo answer.

"Yeah, without a doubt." Jack followed.

"Timmy Harrer can help us, boys. Then I'm gonna send him home." Coach promised. The boys all looked at each other in utter disbelief. "We got one more to get down to twenty. You understand?"

As soon as Herb walked away, the group all smiled and patted each other in celebration. Stephanie cheered once she realized what happened and hugged the four boys in happiness. It settled only a moment later what they'd just done. They had just saved their family.


This is a bit of a boring one haha but I just wanted to see how to kind of portray Steph as a character for any...future...imagines.

Also, if there's grammar errors it's because I wrote this on my iPad with an apple pencil dupe and this machine be putting in random ass words.

WC: 680

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