Lake House Vibes - Jack Hughes

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Me and Jack just flew down to the Hughes lake house for a bit of the summer like he always does. My boss finally gave me time this summer to come down and have a break for a month.

Luke flew down a week before we did and Quinn's flying down tomorrow. Right now, I'm currently sitting at the dock reading a book with my feat dangling in the water while Jack, Luke, Trevor, and Alex are out on the boat doing whatever.

"Carlaaa!" A voice shouted from the water. I looked over and saw Jack on the jet ski he took out coming towards me.

"Yeah?" I asked him when he got to the dock. I set my book down and looked up at him. 

"Wanna come with us? We're chilling at a beach we found." He said. I hesitantly nodded before putting on a life jacket and getting on behind him. 

I wrapped my arms around his waist and set my head on his shoulder while we rode away. Jack looked at me over his shoulder and smiled. I closed my eyes and let the wind blow through my hair as we rode along the water. Bruh that sounds so romantic I'm crying.

The ride was about 15 minutes and when we got there I jumped off and swam to shore. The boys looked confused on how I got there before Jack came up from bring the jet ski onto land. He threw his arm over my shoulder as I leaned into his side.

"Y'all wanna play truth or dare?" Trevor asked out of the blue as we all sat around a fire Jack and Luke had made. We all nodded and some muttered a "sure" in response. "Bet. Jack, truth or dare?" He questioned his friend.

"Uh dare." The brunette responded with hesitance knowing Trevor's dares could be brutal. Trev grinned after hearing that.

"I dare you to call Ellen right now and tell her where you actually were June 23, 2018." He grinned. I started laughing knowing damn well that Jack was at a party, since he texted me drunkenly from there, and not out bowling. He groaned but pulled out his phone.

"Hey mom.." Jack said nervously into the speaker when his mom picked up.

"Hey Jack! What's up?" Ellen asked cheerfully.

"You know in June 2018 when I said me and the guys were going bowling?" He stuttered slightly. She hummed in response suspiciously. "Well..we were actually at a party which is why we didn't come home until late."

"JACK ROWDEN HU-" He ended the call there, not wanting to be scolded in front of his friends and girlfriend over the phone. I was laughing so hard I almost fell into the sand but Jack caught me while rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." He grunted as I lay my head in his lap. His hand found it's way to my hair and he started playing with it. "Carla. Truth or dare?" He asked me while looking down.

"Truth." I said with no hesitation.

"Have you ever had a threesome, and if so, with who?" Jack asked as if he's been waiting his whole life. I sighed as the boys laughed. I smacked his stomach to which he started laughing more.

"Asshole." I muttered. "But yeah. With my friend and her boyfriend in 2017." I answered to which the boys were shocked.

It went silent while I continued to close my eyes. Jack was the first one to speak of the group.

"That's hot." He said. I giggled lightly as he fiddled with my fingers.

The game continued on for another few hours until we dispersed on the beach. Trev and Alex were throwing a ball around, Luke was drawing something in the sand, and me and Jack were cuddled up by the fire. 

I shivered slightly when a gust of wind blew through, curling more into Jack's side for warmth. He noticed I was cold and wrapped a towel around my shoulders.

Trevor wanted to take the jet ski back, so me and Jack were on the boat with Luke and Alex. We were sitting at the back with a blanket wrapped around the both of us that we found. When we got back, I changed into a New Jersey Devils sweatshirt that has Jack's name and number with a pair of shorts.

I crawled under the covers while Jack was showering. I was almost asleep when I felt the bed dip slightly beside me and a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Jack turned me around so my head was on his chest. I threw an arm across his torso.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Jack asked me. I nodded in response and placed a light kiss to his exposed chest. He pressed a kiss to my temple. "I love you." He whispered out as the room around us became dark to me.


Y'all I'm so sorry for being inactive lately. I just got back from NYC last night and stuff but I'll try to post a bit more.

Requested by katiegrey22 I'm sorry it took so long. Like you requested this months ago 😭

WC: 840

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