Philly - Jamie Drysdale

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Madison walked into the apartment that she and Jamie shared only to hear two different people crying in the living room. Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she walked into the room and saw Trevor and Jamie both on the couch with her boyfriend holding his phone in one hand.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?" She asked quickly, running over to her brother and boyfriend. Jamie looked up at her through a teary gaze.

"So you haven't heard yet, huh?" He mumbled. The girl quickly became confused.

"What news?" She questioned him, placing a hand on his knee and sitting on the table.

"I've been traded. To Philadelphia." He started crying again. "It's all the way across the fucking country!"

Maddie pulled him into a hug and held him tight, a few tears of her own slipping. Her older brother hugged the two of them before whispering to his sister that he was leaving and he'd talk to her later.

"I'll miss you." Jamie muttered into his girlfriend's shoulder. Her head shot up, hair smacking his face.

"I'm going with you, dumbass." His eyes lit up.

"Wait, what?" A laugh of disbelief escaped his lips at the mention.

The girl giggled, holding him close to her. "Of course I am. I told you three years ago that I'm in it for the long run, and I am. So I'm going to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania across the country with the boy I love." He smiled at her speech. "Now even though you won't play the Ducks again this season, but you will next season. Do you know what you'll do? You'll get that damn puck and shoot it right by Gibson and show those Anaheim Ducks what they lost. You're a great asset to any team, and you'll be a great asset to the Flyers." During her little rant, Jamie had hugged Maddie even tighter, laying his head on her chest lightly with a bright smile.

So they packed up their small apartment with everything they need to send to Philly. Trevor went over as well to help them.

"Still can't believe I'm losing my best friend and sister in one day." Trev complained, hugging the two tight as they stood in the airport lobby to board the flight to Philadelphia.

"We're only a phone call away. Plus, summer isn't too far away." Madison told him, trying to hide tears of her own. She stepped away from the two as their plane was called, giving the two most important men in her life a moment alone.

When Jamie walked towards Madison, she could see the sadness in his eyes. But they also held excitement. A new journey, new city, new team. All with the love of his life beside him, hand in hand.

That's when Jamie realized that maybe Philly won't be so bad.




WC: 493

Hockey ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora