Heartbreak City - Cale Makar (PART 1)

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"I can't keep doing this with you, Cale!" Olive yelled loudly throughout her small apartment, tears streaming down her face out of frustration and anger.

"Then don't." Cale said in an angry tone.

For the last few months, the couple has only been fighting and arguing. Neither of them know what happened to their three year strong relationship. They just started arguing one day and haven't had a civil conversation since. Cale walked over to the door and opened it. 

"Cale Makar, I swear to God, if you walk out that door we're done. You can't call me, I don't call you. This relationship is over." Olive told him, silently praying he wouldn't walk out that door.

The man didn't look back, didn't say anything. Instead, he placed his key to her apartment on the table and walked out, gently closing the door behind him. 

The girl was shocked. Her legs gave out as she kneeled in the middle of the floor, sobbing. Three years gone. Thrown out the window. She racked her brain for anything that could have possibly set the couple onto the road that let to that moment, but nothing came up.

Little did Olive know, Cale was sat in his car. He was sobbing as the reality of the situation at hand was revealed to him. The girl he loved so much was gone, and it was all because he walked out that door. Why would I do that? Cale thought, slamming his hands against the wheel as he drove away.

Olive was able to reach for her phone and pull up her contacts. She scrolled through until she found her brother, Mitch Marner's, contact. She pressed the call and listened to the ringing for what felt like forever before it stopped and was replaced with her brother's voice.

"Hey? Olive?" Mitch questioned slightly when he heard crying.

"I fucking hate him, Mitch." Olive lied. He sighed.

"What happened, Liv?" He asked his heartbroken sister.

"We're over. We-we've been fighting a lot recently and I told him that if he walked out of my apartment we'd be done a-and he did." She explained through her crying.

"Oh, Liv." Mitch's heart broke when he heard. 

Steph walked in and heard her husband on the phone and heard Olive's nickname, and she gave him a questioning look. His eyes basically pleaded her to let Olive fly to Toronto to stay with the couple and Zeus for a bit so that she could feel less alone, and the woman nodded with absolutely zero hesitation. She loved Olive like a sister.

The man child smiled brightly. "Do you wanna come to Toronto and stay with us for a bit?"

"What about work though? And school? I'd fall so behind and what if he finds me next week when they're in Toronto?" Mitch let his sister ramble on for a minute before interrupting.

"None of that will happen. Request time off of work and if they don't let you I'll handle it. For classes, I can help you with those. Not to brag but I'm pretty good and biology." This got an airy laugh from Liv, which made her brother happy. "And as for Makar? Don't worry about him. If he tries anything then me and the boys will fight him on the ice." This earned him a stern look from his wife but he just shrugged and gave an innocent smile.

Olive sighed. "Fine. I just don't want to intrude on you guys." By now the phone was on speaker on Mitch's end and Stephs heart broke.

"Sweetie, you won't intrude. Please come. We both would love for you to come. Plus, Zeus loves you more than us most of the time." The woman pleaded.

"Fine, I'll come." The couple smiled at each other.

On Cale's end, he arrived at his apartment and hastily opened and closed the door. He leaned against the door and cried. Why the hell would he walk out that door? Olive was the best thing to happen to him since his time in Colorado and he just threw it away. Sure, they'd been arguing for quite a while now, but if he had just tried to communicate..

A call took him from his thoughts. He didn't want to answer it, but once he saw it was from his team captain? He knew he had to.

"Hey, Cale. You coming to the game or something?" Nathan's confused voice rang into Cale's ear. Shit.

"Uh, no. I'm not feeling well. Forgot to call.." Cale lied easily. It wasn't convincing, but his captain took it anyway.

"Alright. Well, see you tomorrow for practice." At that the phone call ended. The man groaned and decided to run a hot shower to distract him.

To sum it up, both of them were in heartbreak city. One questioning what happened in their relationship, one regretting his decision. At least Olive is getting a well deserved break away from love down in Toronto.

Or is she?


It's been a while since I've written a somewhat sad one that probably won't make anyone cry, so here's one. No death. Thought I'd try something new.

Part 2 soon!

WC: 840

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