Talking - Cale Makar (FINAL)

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It's been just over a week since Cale and Olive broke up. Since then, Olive has been in Toronto with her brother in his apartment. The only downside?

Colorado is in Toronto tonight.

But she pushed those thoughts aside as she was currently sitting on the floor, playing with Zeus and Mitch and Steph's daughter, Rory. They were playing Barbies in the dreamhouse that Mitch got her for Christmas while Zeus was standing guard, protecting Rory as he always has.

"Yo, Liv." Mitch called out as he walked into the room. Rory waved at her dad before going back to Barbie as Zeus pranced over and jumped on his leg.

"Hey." Olive replied.

"You coming tonight?" He asked with a sense of caution in his tone, knowing that there was a completely reasonable reason for her not to.

She sighed. "Only because it's your game and I don't see you very often." The man cheered, startling the three year old dog by him. Mitch pulled Olive up and hugged her tight.

"Daddy! We're busy!" Aurora whined. Her father laughed but let his sister go before leaving the room to finish getting ready for his game.

The two continued playing with the little girl's toys before Steph walked in. 

"I'll get Rory ready if you want to get ready and take a minute to prepare, sweetie." She said kindly to her sister in law. The slightly younger woman smiled at the blonde in thanks before walking to the guest bedroom to change.

Walking into the closet, Olive grabbed a pair on black wide legged jeans, a black hoodie, and her 'Marner' jersey. She changed quickly before walking over to the mirror and throwing on light makeup and a toque. Her eyes held a bit of dread knowing that she'd more than likely see Cale.

Shaking her head, she walked out of the room and down the hallway where her brother and his little family waited. Mitch wrapped an arm around her shoulder in a side hug for comfort. He knew this would be rough for her, but he was thankful that she decided to go.

"Ready?" Steph asked her. Olive smiled and nodded, taking Rory when she reached up to her.

The Marners all left to go to the arena. Upon arriving, Mitch walked back to the locker room while the girls went to meet up with the other WAGs and family members. However, while they were walking, Olive saw a bus outside and a player walk in behind the captain. Her heart stopped as she made eye contact with him.

Steph, being confused on why she stopped, looked over and suddenly realized. Her eyes widened but she walked to the side, figuring that her sister in law may want a minute.

"Olive?" Cale whispered. 

"Cale?" She mumbled back. The defenseman walked over to her briskly.

"Can we talk? Please?" The man practically begged her. Looking behind her, Olive made eye contact with Steph.

"After the game." She replied after a moment. He nodded in acceptance before she walked off.

The girl walked over to Steph, who had her arm out. She tucked into her older sister in law's arm. Rory ran off with one of the other WAGs so it was just them.

"Oh my God, Steph." Liv said. "Now I have to talk to him after the game." She sighed. 

"You got this, Liv. Just talk to the man." Steph smiled. "Who knows what may happen?"

Post game, Avs win 5-3

Olive sighed heavily as she walked down to the guest locker room after the game. The Avs had beaten the Leafs 5-3 as they lost another 3-0 game. About half an hour after she walked down, the door opened and revealed none other than Cale Makar.

"Hey." He sighed out.

"Hey." Liv echoed. The two stood and stared at one another for a moment.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have walked away from you. I miss you so much, Olive. Not a day goes by where I don't wish that I stayed there with you and talked to you." Cale rambled, grabbing Olive's hands tightly in his own.

Liv cut him off by hugging him tight. Obviously caught off guard, Cale took a moment before wrapping his arms tightly around her, closing his eyes and stuffing his head in the crook of her neck.

"I missed you too, Cale. And I'm so, so sorry." She muttered in his neck. The man smiled.

"Can we try again? Restart?" He asked her. "But instead of walking away, we can communicate. Because, as we just learned, that goes a long way." The two smiled at one another.

"Of course we can. But for now, I need to go find my brother who, by the way, is very mad at you still." She smiled innocently as he groaned.

Driving to the Marners' home

"So, Mitch.." Olive started after she got into the car.

"Oh God." He muttered.

"I may or may not have talked to Cale and gotten back together with him.." She smiled slightly. Mitch turned around and looked at her.

"I'll scold you when we're back and my child isn't in the car." He said sternly.


Mitch pulled Olive into the kitchen while Steph went to put Rory to bed. Of course, Liv was frightened. Especially at the look on her big brother's face.

"You got back with Cale?!" Mitch whisper yelled. Olive held a guilty face. After looking at her, he sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, kid. It's just that I care about you. After what Cale did..I just couldn't imagine you with him anymore." He explained, hugging her.

"I know, Mitch. But you need to accept it. He won't hurt me again." Liv told him. "We talked about it and we talked out what went wrong, so we're gonna work on it." She smiled. "You don't need to worry."

"But I'm going to. It's my job!" He exclaimed. The girl grinned.

"Aw you love me." She joked. He rolled his eyes.

When she eventually arrived back home in Colorado, Liv immediately met up with Cale. The two talked over what they'll do to mend what happened with them. Ever since, Cale has been on his top game. He scored almost every night and averages at least two points.

Moral of the story, sometimes talking can go a long way.


WC: 1022

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