Female Wolverine - Luca Fantilli

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As you can see, I used the most attractive picture of him. 

I'm one of the forwards for the Michigan Wolverines hockey team. As a female, I get a lot of hate  from female hockey players for being in the Male league. I grew up playing hockey and when I first came to UMich the coach asked if I would play for them.

I obviously accepted the offer because, well, here I am on the ice for practice? The boys accepted me as soon as I arrived and I grew especially close to Luca Fantilli. If you don't know who he is, which you should because he's amazing, he's the older brother of Adam Fantilli.

A year after we met, me and Luca began dating and have been ever since. We both live in the hockey house on campus with some of the boys. He's helped me through all the hate when I started doubting my position on the team.

There are some puck bunnies watching the practice while staring at some of the, boys that correspond to their jerseys, like Luke Hughes, Ethan Edwards, and both Fantilli's. We're currently doing a passing/shooting drill against each other. So more like a scrimmage.

Me and Luca are against each other on the face off. He looked at me and grinned.

"You're going down Parker." He said, using my last name.

"Oh please. I got your brother, Luke, AND Ethan. YOU'RE going down Fantilli." We kept chirping until the puck was dropped.

I won and the puck went back to Nolan. Nolan sprinted down the ice with me slightly behind him. He drop passed it to me and I shot it at Erik and it went through his legs as he dropped a millisecond late.

As I celebrated, I pointed right at Luca. "1-0" I mouthed at him as he tried to hide his amused grin. I was off the ice after that for a little bit. Forgot to mention but Luca is on team yellow and Kylie, OC, is on team blue. Team yellow scored 2 times and we scored once, so the game is tied 2-2.

We went into "overtime" if you could call it that. Ethan and Adam were passing the puck back and forth while going down the ice. Adam passed to Luke who shot the puck directly into the back of the net.

I jumped off the bench and jumped onto Luke who wasn't expecting it. He fell back as the rest of our team piled on him. I laughed as he groaned at the weight.

"Get your asses off of me Jesus." He grunted. Everyone got off of him except me who just kinda chilled. "Kylie Parker if you don't-" I stood up and skated away as fast as I could. 

I saw Luca facing away from me so I did what anyone else would do. I jumped on his back sending him down on the ice as well. He grunted as he fell before rolling over and seeing me.

"Hi." I said and booped his nose. His nose scrunched up as I touched it which caused me to smile. We both stood up and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we went towards coach to take a knee.

He went over what we need to work on next practice and sent us off into the locker room. I quickly changed and left to get a coffee from the cafe before Luca came out. After I got it, I went back to the locker rooms and saw the girls standing there. Upon seeing me they started muttering things and staring. 

I was confused and hurt. I walked back in the locker rooms to grab my sweatshirt. My face was dropped and I think everyone noticed but didn't say anything. Luca wrapped his arm around my waist as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

As we walked out, he noticed the girls standing there whispering about something and staring at me. The blonde with the "L. Fantilli" jersey walked forward with her chest popped out and her hips swaying. Luca just walked past her with me and she was offended.

"Hey Luca!" The girl yelled, forcing her voice. Luca wasn't in the mood to deal with any puck bunnies so he pretended not to hear her and walked slightly faster. She sulked back to her friends in defeat.

We got into his car and I put my head onto the window. He reached his hand over and placed it on my thigh while rubbing comforting circles on the outer part of my thigh. I held his hand and gave it a slight squeeze which seemed to make him smile.

When I saw his smile I smiled. Something about him could make me feel happy even on the most horrible days. Being a female wolverine is pretty difficult most of the times, but I've got a loving boyfriend and a new family that no matter who I am, accepts me for me.


I hate this so fucking much but whatever. It's also a lot longer than I expected.

WC: 836

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