BOOM - Ryan Graves

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..skip this one. I wrote it when I was tired and in a rush. It makes no sense.

Ryan and I started dating about 3 months ago and we're inseparable. Right now, I'm driving to his game that he doesn't know I'm going to. I'm currently in law school so I said that I had a major essay due, but I don't.

New Jersey traffic is insane on game night, especially when playing against a New York team. I have front row seats by the NJ bench so that Ryan will see me when he comes out. The music started and the loud buzzer went, implying that warmups shall be starting.

Ryan was on of the first onto the ice, after Schmid of course. He looked around at the signs in the crowd and tossed a couple of pucks over the ice before he finally looked in my direction. He was shocked and skated over.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan shouted, his Canadian accent really showing. I smirked. "What are you-" He was cut off by the sound of a gun. Dropping on the ice, I walked out before anyone saw me with a shit eating smirk still on my face.



Requested by Laylaham2

WC: 209

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