A Day In The Life With Jack Hughes - Jack Hughes (duh)

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As I said, I fr just found this vid lol. So that being said this takes place 4 years ago during his NTDP days.

Today is one of the game days with Jack and the NTDP team. Media is doing a day in the life thing with Jack so they're driving to the arena with he, Alex and I. I am in the back with the media person, Jack's driving and Alex is on aux. 

The interviewer started asking a few questions while the two boys answered them. I was sitting quietly in the back while listening and laughing with them a few times. Once we got to the arena, I hopped out of the car and followed the boys into the arena.

Jack turned around to me and held out his hand. I smiled and placed mine in his as he pulled me up beside him, putting his arm over my shoulders. Placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head, I walked out to the arena and sat by the ice on my laptop to do some homework.

Not a lot of people at the school really know what Jack and Alex do, as they mentioned in the interview, and it has made they're career a lot easier. Without having people coming up to you ever 5 seconds they can live a decently normal senior year.

I was interrupted by someone sitting down next to me. I looked over and saw Jack looking over my shoulder. My hand slapped over his eyes gently and I put my work away.

"Nuh uh. You ain't getting my answers." I scolded him and slapped his head.

"Ow!" He whined. I shook my head. "But I don't understand the work." He protested.

"Dude. I literally live next door to you. I can help you with it after your game tonight." I told him with a smile. He kissed my lips and went off to finish warming up. 

After that they went to do film studies (looking over clips), stretching then gearing up for warm ups. When I saw them come out on the ice I put my work away to watch. Cole skated by me and waved like a kid. I grinned at him and waved back as he giggled and skated away. 

*Post game*

Cole and Jack both broke records tonight and on the same goal. Cole broke the goals record and Jack broke the points record. I'm so proud of the both of them. I walked down to the locker rooms and saw Jack doing an interview. Humble as always. When he saw me his smile grew only slightly.

After his interview I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. He held me tight and smiled widely. I leaned back, still in his arms, and played with the tips of his short hair that he's planning on growing. It became a habit when we first started dating whenever I was happy or something.

"What are you so happy about?" He joked. I rolled my eyes and took my hand from his hair, knowing it annoyed him. He took one hand off my thighs, making me lose my balance for a minute, and grabbed my hand while placing it back in his hair. "That was mean." He said with a pointed look.

"No, you're mean to me." I corrected him. He shook his head in protest. I then pointed to them cameras that were coming to finish the video. "Bye bye." I waved and walked out of camera shot.

*Hughes house*

Jack pulled me onto him and cuddled with me. He had to stay at the arena a bit longer but I had to help my mom babysit my little brother. She's a doctor at the hospital so that happens a lot. I put him to bed and helped Jack with his homework a bit before he got tired and decided he was done.

"Jack. No. Jack." I struggled in his grip since his work wasn't done. "You're not finished. You'll fail!" I stated as harsh as I could, so not very.

"Aw you're so sweet." He joked and cuddled into me further. 

"This is the one part of my day they can't see." 


WC: 693

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