Writing Errors - Luke Hughes

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Lacey was sitting on the couch, scrolling through TikTok, waiting for Luke and Jack to get back from their community thing with the team. She moved in with the two after she transferred universities and Luke offered for her to stay with them. Of course, she asked Jack before hand and he said yes with no hesitation whatsoever.

As she was scrolling through, she found a funny video that, unsurprisingly, involved Luke. When she scrolled to the next slide, she saw that he had made some sort of writing error in a thank you kind of thing for coming down to see them. Her laugh echoed through the apartment as she sent it off to Luke.

About an hour later, the two Hughes brothers trudged into the room, deep in conversation about what appeared to be a debate on which genre of music is better: country or pop. Of course, Lacey's answer was country, but she decided to let the two brothers argue until they asked her opinion to settle the debate. Instead, Luke turned to her and glared jokingly.

"My handwriting's not that bad." He said in a whiny voice. Lacey's studying to become an English teacher and, if she must say, he has some of the worst handwriting known to man.

"Babe, it literally looked like you wrote thanks with an x not a k." She laughed at him. He ran over and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She screamed as Jack just laughed. "LUKE HUGHES PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I CALL YOUR MOTHER!" She threatened, pulling his phone out of his hoodie pocket. 

"Fuck." He mumbled, putting her down, grabbing his phone and running off. The girl just laughed as she watched her slightly writing impaired boyfriend hide behind his older brother, who was laughing at the entire ordeal.


Pleasee tell me some of y'all have seen the TikTok lol

Just a short one. I'm gonna write one more Hughes Family after this then y'all might not see them again until I potentially release another hockey imagines book once this one is finished because we're almost there guys!

That pic is golddd

WC: 352

Hockey ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora