Media Day - Colin Doherty

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"Kaylee come here!" Colin called across the ice. Kaylee laughed and skated over to him, stopping in front of him hard enough to snow his knees down. "Rude."

"You'll live." She shook her head. "What's up?" He smirked.

"We're gonna do a media thing of me teaching figure skating." He stated proudly. She laughed once again but got her camera from behind her back and stood beside the bench.

They read their scripts, Colin showing them how to do the moves while the other two attempted to copy. Forgot who the other two are lol. After they were done, Kaylee gave them a thumbs up and put her camera on the bench as she was done for the day. Colin skated over to her and hugged her tight, which didn't hurt her since he didn't have his pads on or anything.

"Shouldn't you be with your team?" She muttered into his shoulder. He shook his head.

"We're done today." He answered her question. Nodding, she let go of him to help put the nets away. "Woah there love." Colin called after her. She turned around with an eyebrow raised. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked her, pouting out his lips. 

The brunette laughed and kissed him. The boys smile widened and he finally let her go help them. The two goalies, Nicholas and Austin, oohed from behind him. The shorter forward turned around and started chasing the two goalies around, obviously faster than them. He jumped onto of Austin, tackling him onto the ice.

"AH!" Austin screamed. "I'M A GOALIE DAMMIT!" He yelled in protest. Colin only laughed and stood up to go after Nick.

"FUCK!" Nick yelled loudly, skating off towards Kaylee and hiding behind her. "KAYLEE YOUR BOYFRIEND IS GONNA KILL ME!" He squealed into the 18 year old's ear. 

"First of all, yell in my ear again and I'll kill you myself." She told him with a straight face. "Second of all.." She ran after her boyfriend, taking him down. "DON'T INJURE THE GOALIES." She scolded. 

"I'm sorry." He apologized, kissing her lightly. A camera flashed and the young couple looked over to see one of the other admins taking a picture of them.

The two laughed and stood up, skating off the ice together after one eventful media day.


WC: 376

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