Chapter 42; Ending 2 (Happier Ending)

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"AH, COME HERE MY FAVORITE SONS." ODIN said, opening his arms and Loki and Thor walked into him. Odin hugged the both of them and then said happily. "And here's my second lot of favorite sons. And my favorite daughters."

You snorted. Odin's favorite sons being Loki and Thor. His second favorite sons being literally all of the other Avenger males as you had all been married in one big ceremony like Frigga had promised Elizabeth.

"I must say." Odin continued, "It is good to see all you back together. I was afraid that events wouldn't work out for the best."

You were extremely tired from the trip so you retired back to your room while the others settled in the banquet room.

Elizabeth had recovered perfectly and was in as good spirits as ever. Virtus Auctor was in custody and Nick Fury had grilled him before shipping him off to the raft. Apparently, he was a shapeshifter so he had to be watched carefully.

The way that he had found your sister was through a tracking device that had been put inside of her when she had first been taken. She had to undergo surgery, which had resulted in Stephen passing out from the pain of them operating directly on his soulmate mark. But once the tracking device was out, Bucky took great pleasure in destroying it.

Elizabeth had also agreed to being part of the 'Sexvengers' as Clint had decided to call the group. She had seemed extremely disturbed by some nightmares she'd had before her heart had failed her and didn't want to not take part in it.

You weren't sure if that was a good reason to take part in something you didn't know if she wanted to be part of in the first place, but she couldn't be deterred.

Your room was right next to Thor's, even with adjoining doors. You immediately collapsed on the bed, and fell fast asleep.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

"YOU SURE DOLL?" BUCKY ASKED GENTLY as Elizabeth stumbled over her words, blushing darkly. "You know you don't have to prove anything to Stevie and I?"

"I want to." Elizabeth mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"No." Steve said, cupping her chin and making her stare directly into his eyes. "You gotta tell me for sure you want to do this. Look me in the eye. I don't want to push you."

"I want you." Elizabeth replied fiercely, blushing.

"Alright." Steve kissed her gently and then looked at Bucky, "Start stripping."

Elizabeth felt her knees turn to water at the simple command. And she felt herself grow more aroused than before as she watched Bucky comply.

She hadn't approached Steve and Bucky because she felt she had something to prove. She truly did want to bond with them. She knew Bucky had caught her when she'd collapsed. She knew that Steve and Bucky loved her.

Bucky had been extremely affectionate with her in the hospital and during recovery. He did her hair every single day and gave her sweet kisses. Steve was the one that pushed her in her physical therapy and one of the reasons- besides Frigga of course- that she recovered so quickly.

Oh, and Bucky also let her eat things she wasn't allowed to eat during recovery.

Steve himself stripped, before he removed her clothes from her body. He nipped at her skin gently while caressing her.

Bucky moved to lay down on the bed with his back against the headboard. Steve picked Elizabeth up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Steve laid her down on the bed, kneeling before he started to lap at her cunt. Elizabeth's breath hitched in her throat, her hands grasping the bed sheets. She let out a shout of euphoria that left a ringing in her ears, and it didn't help that Steve was eating her out like a man starved.

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