Chapter 25

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ELIZABETH SLUMPED AGAINST THE BATHROOM door, turning the hot water on in the bathtub and waited for it to fill up completely.

Her entire right shoulder ached from the impact. She hadn't thought she would hit so hard, otherwise she wouldn't have attempted to knock Y/N off to share her fate. Lucky thing Bucky caught her. She'd forgotten for a moment they were above tile and not the soft grass of the farm.

The farm. . . God she wanted to go back so much. Just two more days, that was all she had to get through. Not that Asgard was that bad. In fact, it seemed almost closer to home than New York was.

She knew tonight was the ball. Tomorrow, her and Hogun would go horseback riding and he would show her his secret spot behind the waterfall.

Loki had tried asking her if she hurt anywhere, but she had stubbornly said no. She didn't want Y/N to feel bad about knocking her off. And though part of her knew Bucky wouldn't actually care, she also didn't want there to be a chance that he felt guilty about not catching her either.

"Oh well." She said aloud to herself, shutting off the tap to the bathroom tub. "It's your fault anyways for not landing on your bloody feet."

She winced again as she stood. It would have been better to land on her left side, then she wouldn't have hurt her good side. Not that it mattered to much, as being on the farm had taught her to be more ambidextrous and could technically use her left hand for much of what she needed her right hand for, except her writing wasn't the best.

She slid into the warm water and sunk down, ignoring the steam that was rising as it clashed with her cold skin. Wanda had told her that once she got a control on her powers, her body temperature would sink back to its normal heat. But for now, it was going to be colder than normal.

Now, her cold skin didn't really bother her. She couldn't feel it and went about her day like it was normal. But when others touched her, they jumped back like they'd been shocked. Hogun had explained that it was so cold it was like touching sudden snow. Except they weren't expecting it.

Course, that hadn't kept Hogun from kissing her. She smiled now, as she sank lower in the bathtub. Hogun and Tony. Stephen had slowly emerged as well, spending more time in the lab though he still spent most of his time reading. She was slowly warming up to them- pun not intended.

She attempted now to rotate her shoulder and cried out in pain, biting down on her bottom lip and squeezing her eyes shut. There was supposed to be a ball tonight. How was she supposed to dance if she could not move her right arm?

There was a sudden knock at the door and Elizabeth smiled ironically as though there was a cure behind it. "Who is it?"

"It's me dear." Frigga's voice said from behind the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yes, of course." Elizabeth replied, checking to see that the slight bubbles covered most of her, and that Frigga was a woman either way and almost like a mother figure to her.

Frigga stepped into the bathroom and Elizabeth admired the sky blue colour. She'd always wished that she could wear it, but her mother said that the colour didn't look good on her. She'd just taken her mothers' advice because she knew she had no fashion sense of her own. She had also been told she looked horrible in yellow and white and most greens unless they were olive green.

"Loki said you took quite the fall in the training room." Frigga said, sitting on the edge of the bathtub and Elizabeth saw no reason to lie to her.

"Yes, I fell on my right shoulder. It hurts, but I don't think it's broken."

"Can you sit up just a little?" Frigga asked and Elizabeth complied.

Frigga reached out and her touch seemed to electrify Elizabeth. She also noticed the Queen did not pull away when she touched her, as though she could not feel the difference in the temperature of her skin.

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