Chapter 26

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ELIZABETEH FELT OVERWHELMED. SHE hadn't put the dots together until she'd descended the staircase, heard the whispers emerge, and had realized she was the only other person wearing green.

Except Loki.

She knew that the Queen had something to do with it, after all Frigga was the one who had given the dress to her. It had felt like silk over her body, especially the long cape that draped her bare shoulders and sparkled. Though there had been several hundred pins stuck in her hair, she couldn't feel anything at all, except that the curls that were on the sides of her face tickled a little.

She hadn't dared hesitate to take Loki's hands, not with the whole of Asgard watching. And his own hand, she noticed, seemed the same temperature as hers whereas everyone else was hot. She felt relief when he led her over to Hogun and the whispers had not ceased, but simply grown louder into conversation.

"You look stunning." Hogun greeted her and she smiled as he leaned down and kissed her.

Elizabeth desperately wished to ask Hogun what he knew. He seemed unperturbed that Loki had been the one to greet her from the stairs. He'd even winked and now was completely friendly with Loki. She couldn't help but feel as though everyone knew something that she didn't.

"How is your shoulder feeling?" Hogun asked. He had left the training room before the incident and had only heard of it later.

"Much better. Queen Frigga healed it like magic." Elizabeth replied.

Loki chuckled. "That's because it was magic kitten. Who do you think taught me?"

"You can heal too?" Elizabeth asked in surprise, looking over at him.

"Yes." Loki admitted. "Though it is my less widely known magic. I prefer conjuring knives up out of midair or turning into snakes to try and bite my brother."

Elizabeth grinned. "And you could be so nice."

Hogun chuckled beside her. "He could. But what is mischief without trouble?"

"Stop hogging her." Fandral complained, play pushing Hogun aside. "Greetings once more fair Ice princess."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Why do people call you dashing again?"

"I'm wounded!" Fandral cried dramatically and Sif rolled her eyes too before smiling gently at Elizabeth.

"May I have the first dance?" Loki asked, holding his hand out. Elizabeth's eyes darted very quickly to Hogun, but he was just smiling and she looked back to Loki.

"Okay." She whispered, suddenly self-conscious again, letting her hand slip into his. He led her away from the group, slipping in easily with the rest of the dancers. Loki towered over her and she suddenly felt small and insignificant, unlike the way that she'd felt when they were just friends in New York.

"I can't dance." She blurted out as her hands were placed firmly on his shoulders, unable to reach all the way around his neck without standing on her tip toes, even in heels.

Loki grinned. "That's alright kitten. You only need a strong lead for an adequate dance. If you'd rather, you can step on my feet, but kick your heels off first."

Elizabeth laughed, though she wasn't entirely sure what was funny. All she knew was that Loki was making her feel lighter than she'd felt in weeks.

She quieted a little as they had no more conversation between them. He looked down at her, and she looked up at him, both silent in their thoughts. She was trying to read his eyes, which for her was near impossible. She had never been great at reading people. But she thought he looked longing or longing for something.

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