Chapter 3

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"OW." YOU MUTTERED AS THE ALARM WENT OFF. You had to get up early today for your first day at the job. And your head was pounding from the hangover.

"SHUT THE ALARM OFF!" Ivy muffle shouted from the other room.

You slammed your fist down on the snooze button and shoved the alarm clock away from you, tucking your head back under your pillow and falling right back to sleep.

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MISSED YOUR FIRST DAY AT WORK." Elizabeth grumbled in your ear. You were calling on facetime. You could see by her background that she was outside at the moment, pitching hay into the horses feed bins.

"It was an accident." You grumbled. "And don't tell mom, she'll be so disappointed."

"What'd you tell your boss?" She asked without any promises.

"I called in when I realized I was late and told him I was throwing up. He said it was fine and thanks for not coming in and getting everyone sick. I told him I'd be there tomorrow if he wanted me. So I have a second chance and I won't screw it up."

"Uh huh. Tell me how that goes." Elizabeth said, putting the pitching fork off to the side. "I gotta go and feed the pigs. I'll call later when I get all the chores done."

"Should've moved to the big city with me lil' sis." You jested. "Then you wouldn't be doing any chores."

"False." Elizabeth said uncaringly. "When you live by yourself you still have laundry, vacuuming, dishes, sweeping, dusting, etc. Besides, if I left, who would care for the farm? Mom can't do all of it and dad's knees are to bad. They'd have to hire a farm hand or someone like that."

"Alright, if you insist. But if I do find our soulmates, I expect you to come up and meet them." You said in a serious voice.

Elizabeth just sighed, climbing over the fence into the pig area. You wrinkled your nose. You hated the pigs. "If they want to meet me they can come to me. I'm busy. Talk to you later sis."

Elizabeth was so strange.

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"DO YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE A COFFEE?" The manager who was showing you the ropes asked. Her name was Tanya. She had gray hair up around her ears and large golden hoops through her ears. It was so cool to see new people.

"Only black and anything black where you add cream and sugar to it." you replied with a smile.

Tanya chuckled and then went through the steps of showing you how to use the grinding machine, the whip cream machines, and the syrup machines. How to make an iced coffee without making it taste watery, and other incredibly cool tricks.

She stayed with you throughout the entire day, helping making sure you perfected each customers order.

By the time the end of the day was coming to a close, you felt rather pleased with your performance.

Tanya was to stay with you a whole week, helping you less and less each day until everything came to you naturally.

It wasn't to different from cooking with your family. Though Elizabeth and your father were the best cooks in the family, all four of you could cook. With only eating what you grew on the farm, there were only so meals you could make, so once you made the same thing over and over, you could make everything on autopilot without having to think about it. It was kind've like that, just with coffee.

"You did great." Tanya said as you punched out, hanging up your apron. "I'm glad you're feeling better too."

"Me too." You said with sincerity. "I hate being sick and it was terrible it happened on my first day at the job."

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