Chapter 39; Ending 2 (Happier Ending)

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"CAN WE TALK TO THE BOTH OF YOU?" Steve asked anxiously, looking between you and your sister as the both of you continued to sit at the table.

"Um, sure." You said. Elizabeth said nothing, but got up from the table as well to follow you out into the living room.

Everyone seemed extremely pleased about something, there was an excited, though almost nervous energy buzzing through the community room. Nearly all of the main Avengers were there: Thor, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Stephen, Tony, Rhodey, Clint, Sam, Vision, Pietro, Bruce, Natasha, and Wanda. Oh, and of course Hogun was there as well.

Elizabeth seated herself calmly next to Hogun, who wrapped an arm around her shoulder to pull her into him. He started to whisper into her ear and you looked away.

You took a seat next to Stephen, so that you could see everyone else. You weren't sure why the energy in the community room was like this. Why would they be excited if they had just heard the two of you arguing? Unless they were excited that you and Elizabeth had finally gotten some problems out of the way? But then wouldn't the energy be different?

"So, we have something we need to. . . talk about." Steve said shiftily.

"Look if this is about the conversation Bucky and I had last night-" Elizabeth said in a rush but Steve shook his head.

"No, this is about all of us, as a whole group, soulmates and not."

"Spit it out." You said wearily. "I have had quite enough of the beating around the bush method."

"Before the two of you showed up, we were all on Asgard when Queen Frigga pulled a majority of us into a conference by herself. She said that Heimdall had seen several different futures with our soulmates, and that we needed to be wary. That our soulmates were very different and we had to watch out for. . . well. . ."

Steve glanced over at Tony who looked uncomfortable now.

Tony bit his bottom lip and then leaned forward and spat out, "Before you and Elizabeth showed up, we were all together in a huge relationship. One big, polyamorous relationship. But Queen Frigga warned us that we wouldn't be able to do that with the two of you. Especially. . ." Tony looked apologetic now, "Elizabeth with her views on marriage."

You looked over at Elizabeth, but she just looked blank, as though she couldn't hear anything that Tony was saying.

Tony quickly continued, "Queen Frigga said that the only way we could revert back to one big love fest was if the two of you sorted our your previous problems, that the both of you were unaware of. We couldn't make you guys hash it out, we had to do it organically. For the most part, Frigga conducted the events behind the scenes. Stephen, Steve, Bucky, and I were to act aloof around Elizabeth so that she became more jealous of Y/N than she already was. However, when Elizabeth was kidnapped, Stephen and I were unable to hold it up anymore and we gave in. Bucky and Steve nearly gave in as well, before Frigga visited them separately and told them that as long as the two of them continued, it would be alright."

"And, of course," Steve said heavily. "Frigga planned for Loki to choose Elizabeth over Y/N, making an entire show of it, so that Y/N would become more jealous of Y/N."

"No." Wanda said suddenly, looking over at Elizabeth who was starting to look increasingly upset. "Their love for you wasn't manifested or faked Elizabeth. They all really do love the two of you."

"I. . . I don't understand." you said slowly.

Tony sighed. "Basically, you and Elizabeth had to admit to each other that you were jealous or we'd never be able to continue the polyamorous relationship that we all had together. Frigga pretty much told us how to act, which of us had to act a certain way, and then how to remedy it."

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