Chapter 36

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HOGUN DID NOT STAY IN ELIZABETH'S ROOM room that night. He, Thor, and Loki had been called up to Asgard for an important meeting. He had argued for skipping it, but Elizabeth was the one that pushed him to go to Asgard.

"I'll be fine." She promised, kissing his and Loki's cheeks. "Y/N is more upset than me tonight. And she's got Stephen and Tony with her."

"But Sam is going to be with the super soldiers tonight." Hogun said, troubled. "Which means you'll be alone tonight."

Elizabeth smiled, pushing him into the circle with Thor. "And I can sleep alone for one night Hogun."

He looked upset with this, but by then, Heimdall had called them up to the Asgard in a swoosh of rainbow light and he couldn't argue anymore.

Elizabeth had then gone back into the tower to go to the kitchen and wash up the movie dishes. She could hear Steve, Sam, and Bucky yelling at each other in one of the upper rooms. She winced. She caught hers and Y/N's names and knew tomorrow something big would have happened.

She did go up to bed, but once she was actually laying in bed, she couldn't sleep.

She tossed in turned in bed, vividly reminded of that one video on the internet with the man repeating the word 'no' and with each 'no' he changed positions on the bed, even ridiculous ones like on the wall or ceiling.

Finally, she ended up with her head where her feet should've been and her feet propped up on her pillow.

She sat up quickly, burying her face into her knees and started to cry.

She wasn't sure why she was crying. Whether it was just the stress of the scene of the movie, or perhaps reliving the memory of the event.

She remembered clearly what happened, because she had been surprised when Jellybean upended her off of her back. She was a wonderful rider, and couldn't believe that she could be upended period.

When she'd landed, she was surprised once more that Y/N was already in front of her, and then was shocked when Y/N pushed her, already crying, screaming that she wasn't broken.

Elizabeth still believed to this day that there was something extremely wrong with her. Not only did she have to have so many soulmates to complete her, but that she had to have her sister's soulmates complete her.

And she was so broken that her mother wanted her dead and neither Bucky or Steve wanted anything to do with her.

That thought brought out a loud sob into her throat.

She wiped her eyes. She couldn't afford to go to pieces like this. She had already declared her fine without her soulmates. She didn't need them. She didn't even want them.

Suddenly, the door opened. She looked over and hoped that in the dark, Bucky couldn't see her red eyes.

"Can I come in?" Bucky asked hesitantly.

Not sure her voice could hold up, she nodded her head.

Bucky closed the door behind him and sat down on the edge of her bed, keeping her back to him. "Can I um, lay next to you?"

Shocked, but uncertain, Elizabeth murmured, "Um, yeah."

She laid, down, staring at the ceiling. Though Bucky did lay next to her, he kept a wide gap of space between the two of them. It was silent for a moment, and then Bucky said, "I want to tell you something."

"I don't know if I can hear excuses right now." Elizabeth murmured.

"They're not excuses." Bucky said. "I just want to tell you a story."

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