Chapter 13

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YOU HAD TO ADMIT THAT ELIZABETH HAD completely outdone herself for dinner. In such a short amount of time too. She sat at the table with Hogun on one side of her, Sam quickly claiming the other. Loki said in front of her and Thor sat next to him. Tony was at the head of the table, Stephen next to him while you were between Bucky and Clint. The others arranged themselves in that configuration.

There were thick, juicy steaks perfectly seasoned with fluffy mashed potatoes, pats of butter melting little valleys into the fluff. A couple pieces of asparagus were on the side, the tips tinged red from the steak juices.

You hadn't eaten a real meal since you'd left home. You'd been eating all those boxed meals which had led you to gaining a few pounds of fat. It wasn't that big of a deal to you. It was just five or six pounds so you were sure you could easily lose it.

There were also small bowls that were made up of blackberries, raspberries, and green grapes, a swirl of whipcream topping each one. Tall glasses of milk were for the drink.

"Wow, it looks great lil sis." You complimented her.

"Thanks." She said, flashing you an easy smile. Her and Hogun quickly fell into their own conversation, including Sam for a majority of it, who was hanging on her every word like a lovesick puppy.

Thor meanwhile, was messing around with the silver ball that Hogun had given him. His thick fingers slid across the surface before Loki sighed, reaching over his arm, tapping a few things with his long slender fingers and there was a hologram ceremony.

It was a clear as though a movie, or like you were experiencing it in real life. It was strange seeing your parents on such a formidable place like Asgard. Even stranger to see your sister wearing a dress.

"Oh." Loki said when it was done. "They let you drink from the goblet?"

Hogun nearly choked on his food. "Wait, she used THE goblet?"

"What's THE goblet?" About half of you asked, including yourself and Elizabeth.

Loki waved his hand dismissively. "It's just a goblet that is used during royal family bonding ceremonies. It usually gives one or the other a power of the other. Since Elizabeth doesn't have powers and neither does Hogun, its most likely that Elizabeth is now immortal."

He delivered the news as casually as though telling us that we were in for a calm night. Elizabeth, Sam, and surprisingly Steve all choked on their food.

"Immortal?" Hogun asked. "Are you positive?"

Loki rolled his eyes. "Well either that or she developed your ability to wield a sword."

"I thought we weren't allowed to use the cup on Midgardians." Thor asked with a frown on his face.

Loki shrugged. "Odin's rules and mother's rules are a bit different brother."

"Wait, what does that mean for me?" You asked in worry.

Loki still seemed rather unconcerned about the whole thing, like it was no big deal that Elizabeth was now immortal. You did notice Steve was hanging on every word Loki was saying though, which struck you a little funny.

"It's possible. Especially when you're soulmated to Thor, King to the throne when father takes over." He didn't seem bitter, the way you thought he would. But then again, you could rarely tell what his tone was or how he was really feeling.

"I just don't understand." Hogun said with a frown. "The Goblet of Konvertering av makter is saved for the royal family only. I had expected them to pierce me with the Sword of dødelighet."

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